美国联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米反驳了川普总统提出的前总统奥巴马在去年总统大选投票前几个星期对他进行窃听的爆炸性说法。FBI Director James Comey has debunked President Donald Trump's explosive claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him in the weeks before last year's presidential election.
观察组织说,一名24岁的藏人星期六在中国四川省西南部一个寺院外自焚。当地居住着大量抗议中国对西藏政策的藏人。Monitors say a 24-year-old Tibetan man set himself on fire Saturday outside a monastery in China's southwestern Sichuan province, a region heavily populated by ethnic Tibetans who protest China's policies in their nearby homeland.
土耳其外交部长恰武什奥卢对马克·鲁特再次当选荷兰总理作出回应,他警告说,“宗教战争”正来到欧洲。Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is warning of “religious wars” coming to Europe in response to the re-election of Mark Rutte as Dutch Prime Minister.
荷兰选举的初步计票结果表明,首相马克·鲁特的政党赢得了议会中最多的席位,以超过预期的多数票击败了反移民,反伊斯兰的民粹主义者吉尔特·威尔德斯。Early results from the Netherlands election say Prime Minister Mark Rutte's party has won the most seats in parliament, defeating that of anti-immigrant, anti-Islam nationalist Geert Wilders by a larger margin than expected.
美国国务卿蒂勒森星期三访问日本,作为他三国之行的第一站。他此行希望安抚盟友,并讨论对抗来自朝鲜的核武器及导弹威胁的方法。U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson begins a three-nation trip Wednesday in Japan as he seeks to reassure allies and discuss ways to counter nuclear and missile threats from North Korea.
苏格兰首席部长星期一宣布,她计划为举行新的独立公投开始法律程序,这使得苏格兰离脱离英国更近一步。Scotland’s first minister took a step closer Monday to breaking up the United Kingdom by announcing she intends to begin the legal process of holding a new independence referendum for Scots.
法国陷入困境的保守派总统候选人菲永为他的政党在推特上发表反犹太人漫画攻击竞选对手马克龙而表示道歉。France's troubled conservative presidential candidate Francois Fillon has apologized for his party's anti-Semitic tweet of rival Emmanuel Macron.
中国已经初步批准了美国总统川普的商业帝国的一系列商标请求,再度引起美国伦理监督组织的关注,认为总统私人交易与他作为世界超级大国领导人角色相冲突,并因此违反美国宪法。China has given preliminary approval to a raft of trademark requests from President Donald Trump’s business empire......
美国媒体报道说,曾在前美国总统奥巴马任内担任驻华大使的洪博培将由川普总统提名为美国派驻俄罗斯大使。News outlets report that Jon Huntsman, who served as ambassador to China under former U.S. President Barack Obama, will be nominated by President Donald Trump as the nation's envoy to Russia.
德国外长加布里尔星期三说,德国和土耳其希望看到两国关系出现改善。German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said Wednesday that his country and Turkey want to see their relations improve.
马来西亚禁止所有朝鲜人,包括外交官和大使馆工作人员离开马来西亚,而朝鲜同样禁止所有马来西亚人离开其领土。Malaysia is barring all North Koreans, including diplomats and embassy staff, from leaving the country, while North Korea is banning all Malaysians from leaving its territory.
美国联邦调查局局长科米要求司法部对川普总统的指控提出异议,川普称前总统奥巴马去年下令对纽约的川普大厦的电话进行窃听。U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey has asked the Justice Department to dispute President Donald Trump's allegation that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap on telephones at Trump Tower in New York last year.
美国总统川普周四来到弗吉尼亚州的一个造船厂,参观有史以来最昂贵的一艘战舰,并承诺要增加国防开支。U.S. President Donald Trump promised to boost defense spending when he visited a Virginia shipyard Thursday to tour the most expensive warship ever built.
纽约时报报道说,前奥巴马政府的一些官员设法让有关川普竞选和俄罗斯官员之间可能存在的关联的相关情报,让未来的调查人员更容易找到。The New York Times is reporting that some officials from President Barack Obama's administration made efforts to make information about possible links between Donald Trump's campaign and Russian officials easier for future investigators to find.
美国总统川普提名的国家情报总监周二表示,俄罗斯是主要威胁。他告诉国会议员说,莫斯科试图影响去年11月的总统大选,这是不争的事实。President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the U.S. intelligence community cited Russia as a top threat, telling lawmakers Tuesday it is an accepted fact that Moscow tried to influence November’s presidential election.
美国一个联邦上诉法院拒绝了川普政府希望暂时搁置总统旅行禁令的案件,直到发布新的行政命令的要求。A U.S. federal appeals court has turned down the Trump administration's request to put its travel ban case on hold until the president issues a new executive order.
美国总统川普在启动耗费时日的联邦预算程序之际,提出增加国防开支,同时削减国务院和环境保护署等其他机构的预算。U.S. President Donald Trump is kicking off the long federal budget process with proposals to increase defense spending, while making cuts to budgets for the State Department and other agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency.
伊拉克星期四说,美国支持的伊拉克部队收复了2014年以来一直被“伊斯兰国”极端分子控制的摩苏尔机场。Iraq said Thursday that its U.S.-backed forces have retaken the airport in Mosul that had been controlled by the extremist Islamic State group since 2014.
联合国负责叙利亚事务的首席谈判人员说,他在近期内看不到谈判会有任何突破。The U.N.’s chief mediator for the intra-Syrian talks says he does not see any imminent breakthrough on the horizon.
美国驻联合国大使黑利周二表示,美国致力于与欧洲盟国合作,尽管偶尔有分歧。U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Tuesday the United States is committed to working with European allies, despite occasional disagreements.
梵蒂冈和罗马的犹太博物馆宣布了一个史无前例的计划,双方将联合举办以大烛台为主的展览。大烛台是古代犹太教的象征。The Vatican and Rome's Jewish Museum have announced an unprecedented event -- a joint exhibit focusing on the menorah, the candelabra that is the ancient symbol of Judaism.
朝鲜领导人金正恩的同父异母兄弟金正男被暗杀后,朝鲜和马来西亚间的外交紧张局势正在升级。Diplomatic tensions are rising between North Korea and Malaysia in the aftermath of the apparent assassination of the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
美国国会议员说,一名政府移民官员告诉他们,几乎所有无证移民都可能成为被逮捕和驱逐出境的对象。Members of Congress said a government immigration official told them that almost all undocumented immigrants are “fair game” for arrest and deportation.
美国零售销售和通货膨胀在1月份上升,为美联储继续加息铺路。U.S. retail sales and inflation rose in January, strengthening the case for the central bank to raise interest rates.
白宫官员说,俄罗斯部署了一枚巡航导弹,这违反了一个有30年历史之久的条约。A White House official said Russia has violated a 30-year-old treaty by deploying a cruise missile.