伊拉克星期四说,美国支持的伊拉克部队收复了2014年以来一直被“伊斯兰国”极端分子控制的摩苏尔机场。Iraq said Thursday that its U.S.-backed forces have retaken the airport in Mosul that had been controlled by the extremist Islamic State group since 2014.
联合国负责叙利亚事务的首席谈判人员说,他在近期内看不到谈判会有任何突破。The U.N.’s chief mediator for the intra-Syrian talks says he does not see any imminent breakthrough on the horizon.
美国驻联合国大使黑利周二表示,美国致力于与欧洲盟国合作,尽管偶尔有分歧。U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Tuesday the United States is committed to working with European allies, despite occasional disagreements.
梵蒂冈和罗马的犹太博物馆宣布了一个史无前例的计划,双方将联合举办以大烛台为主的展览。大烛台是古代犹太教的象征。The Vatican and Rome's Jewish Museum have announced an unprecedented event -- a joint exhibit focusing on the menorah, the candelabra that is the ancient symbol of Judaism.
朝鲜领导人金正恩的同父异母兄弟金正男被暗杀后,朝鲜和马来西亚间的外交紧张局势正在升级。Diplomatic tensions are rising between North Korea and Malaysia in the aftermath of the apparent assassination of the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
美国国会议员说,一名政府移民官员告诉他们,几乎所有无证移民都可能成为被逮捕和驱逐出境的对象。Members of Congress said a government immigration official told them that almost all undocumented immigrants are “fair game” for arrest and deportation.
美国零售销售和通货膨胀在1月份上升,为美联储继续加息铺路。U.S. retail sales and inflation rose in January, strengthening the case for the central bank to raise interest rates.
白宫官员说,俄罗斯部署了一枚巡航导弹,这违反了一个有30年历史之久的条约。A White House official said Russia has violated a 30-year-old treaty by deploying a cruise missile.
美国国土安全部称,移民官员在最近针对非法移民的突袭中逮捕了680多人,其中大多数是罪犯。The U.S. Department of Homeland Security says immigration officers have arrested more than 680 people in recent raids targeting illegal migrants, most of them criminals.
美国总统川普星期一将在白宫会见加拿大总理特鲁多。预计两人会谈的内容包括为女性企业家和创业者发起一项联合倡议。U.S. President Donald Trump hosts Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the White House for talks Monday that are expected to include the launch of a joint initiative for female business leaders and entrepreneurs.
美国总统川普与中国国家主席习近平在电话谈话中表示,美国承认中国对自治的台湾拥有主权的立场,尊重“一个中国”政策。U.S. President Donald Trump told Chinese President Xi Jinping in a telephone conversation that the U.S. intends to honor the "One China" policy by acknowledging China's position it has sovereignty over self-ruled Taiwan.
美国总统川普表示,他期待着建立一个“有利于美国和中国的建设性关系”。U.S. President Donald Trump says he is looking forward to developing a "constructive relationship that benefits both the United States and China."
美国副总统彭斯主持了教育部长贝齐•德沃斯的宣誓就职仪式。美国国会参议院星期二在彭斯投下打破平衡的一票后,批准了川普总统这位极具争议的教育部长人选。这是美国历史上第一次在审批内阁人选时需要副总统投出的一票。U.S. Vice President Mike Pence swore in Betsy DeVos as U.S. secretary of education on Tuesday after casting the tie-breaking Senate vote to confirm President Donald Trump's controversial nominee. It was the first time in American history that a vice president had been needed to get a Cabinet pick approved.
美国司法部已经向旧金山的联邦上诉法院提交陈述书,要求恢复川普总统对七个以穆斯林为主的国家的旅行限令。The U.S. Justice Department has filed its brief with the federal appeals court in San Francisco on behalf of reinstating President Donald Trump's travel ban from seven Muslim majority countries.
联合国的记录显示,在阿富汗与冲突有关的儿童伤亡人数2016年激增24%,平民伤亡总数比上年增加3%。The United Nations recorded an alarming 24 percent spike in conflict-related child casualties in Afghanistan and a three percent rise in total civilian casualties in 2016 compared to the year before.
美国总统川普星期四表示,伊朗因发射弹道导弹而“受到正式警告”。川普警告说,在与德黑兰打交道时“没有什么措施不可以考虑。”U.S. President Donald Trump said Thursday Iran has been "formally put on notice" for its ballistic missile launch, and he warned that "nothing is off the table" in dealing with Tehran.
以色列警方计划星期四用推土机拆除约旦河西岸的一个非法犹太人定居点,之前驱逐了那里约50个犹太家庭。Israeli police bulldozers plan to start knocking down dozens of homes Thursday after evicting about 50 Jewish families from an illegal settlement in the West Bank.
联合国前秘书长潘基文周三表示,他不会竞选韩国总统。Former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Wednesday he will not run for president of South Korea.
联合国安理会将于星期二举行紧急会谈,对伊朗进行的弹道导弹试验作出反应。The United Nations Security Council is to hold urgent talks Tuesday in response to a ballistic missile test carried out by Iran.
星期天晚间,持枪人员袭击了加拿大魁北克市的一座清真寺,造成6人死亡,8人受伤。Gunmen attacked a mosque in Quebec City, Canada, late Sunday, killing six people and wounding eight others.
英国首相特雷莎·梅星期五将在白宫会晤美国总统川普,这两位领导人还将举行联合记者招待会。British Prime Minister Theresa May meets with U.S. President Donald Trump Friday at the White House where the two world leaders will hold a joint news conference.
在英国即将脱欧,川普总统刚刚上任之际,英国首相特雷莎·梅将呼吁重振美英两国的“特殊关系”。British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to call for a renewal of the "special relationship" with the United States, as Britain prepares to leave the European Union and President Donald Trump begins his term as the U.S. leader.
索马里救护人员表示,武装分子星期三对索马里首都摩加迪沙的一间酒店发动袭击,造成至少20人死亡,50余人受伤。Somali rescue workers say at least 20 people were killed and more than 50 injured Wednesday in an attack by militants on a Mogadishu hotel.
美国总统川普星期一让美国退出了12国《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(TPP)。本星期是川普政府开始执政的第一个星期。川普在白宫表示,退出TPP“ 对美国工人是一件大好事。”President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the 12-nation Pacific Rim trade deal on Monday as he started his first full week in office. At the White House, Trump called it a "great thing for the American worker - what we just did.”
一支地区武装力量星期天进入冈比亚首都班珠尔。就在几小时前,败选的冈比亚领导人贾梅离开冈比亚流亡海外。Troops from a regionwide military force moved Sunday into Gambia's capital, Banjul, hours after defeated leader Yahya Jammeh fled into exile.