
中国时间 12:28 2025年3月5日 星期三










Netherlands PM Mark Rutte Defeats Nationalist Challenger

Early results from the Netherlands election say Prime Minister Mark Rutte's party has won the most seats in parliament, defeating that of anti-immigrant, anti-Islam nationalist Geert Wilders by a larger margin than expected.

Rutte's center-right People's Party for Freedom and Democracy is expected to take 31 of 150 seats, far ahead of any other party. Three parties are expected to win 19 seats each, including Wilders' anti-immigration Freedom Party.

Officials say voter turnout was the highest in three decades, at 81 percent.

Rutte called the results "a celebration of democracy." He said the Netherlands has said no to the "wrong kind of populists."

Various European leaders are voicing their approval of the outcome. German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated Rutte by phone, while French President Francois Hollande released a statement praising "the values of openness, respect for others, and a faith in Europe's future" as the only true responses to nationalism and isolationism. Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel took to social media to tweet his support.

Wilders' run was seen as the latest test of a wave of populism to sweep across Europe, extending as far as the United States across the Atlantic. After Britain sent shock waves across Europe by voting to leave the EU, Wilders' climb to prominence was seen as further warning that cooperation among European nations could be threatened.








Federal Judge Puts Revised Trump Travel Ban on Hold

An angry President Donald Trump promised to fight all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary, after a federal judge in Hawaii put his revised travel ban on hold Wednesday, hours before it was to take effect.

Trump told supporters in Nashville, Tennessee, hours after the judge's ruling, that "the danger is clear, the law is clear, the need for my executive order is clear," adding that he has the authority to control who is allowed into the country to keep the American people safe.

Trump accused the U.S. District Court in Hawaii of unprecedented judicial overreach, and said he would "take our case as far as it needs to go."

Hawaii argued that Trump's temporary ban on travelers and migrants from six Muslim-majority countries would harm tourism, on which the Hawaiian economy heavily depends. The state also contended that its Muslim residents would suffer because their relatives from the six affected countries -- Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen -- would not be able to visit.

Hawaii Attorney General said lawyers demonstrated that the Trump ban showed a hostility toward religion, which he called unconstitutional. He said the winners in this decision are children and the next generation.

At least six other states are suing to stop the travel ban.