
中国时间 12:21 2025年3月5日 星期三









Haley: US Committed to European Allies

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Tuesday the United States is committed to working with European allies, despite occasional disagreements.

She also called NATO the “strongest alliance in history,” and said the U.S. is working to make the organization “even more effective.”

Her comments echo those made by Vice President Mike Pence on Monday, when he told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg the U.S. is committed to its NATO allies, but other countries also need to share the fiscal burden of defense more evenly.

Haley said she believes the U.S. can have a better relationship with Russia, but greater cooperation with Russia “can’t come at the expense of our European friends and allies.”

“That is why we continue to urge Russia to show a commitment to peace by fully implementing the commitments under the Minsk agreements and ending its occupation of Crimea,” she said. “The United States and the EU remain united in this approach, keeping sanctions in place until Moscow fully honors its Minsk commitments.”

Under the 2015 Minsk agreement, Ukraine, Russia and Russia-backed separatists agreed to end the crisis in Ukraine, beginning with the withdrawal of heavy weapons.




此案法官陈庆伟(Andrew Chan)周三上午判决时表示,“在我的司法生涯中,从来没有看见一个人从这样的高位跌落。”



Ex-Hong Kong Leader Sentenced on Corruption Charges

A Hong Kong court has sentenced Donald Tsang, the Chinese territory's former chief executive, to 20 months in prison on charges of official misconduct.

The 72-year-old Tsang was found guilty last week for failing to disclose his negotiations to lease a luxury apartment from a major investor in a communications company seeking a digital broadcasting license from the government.

"Never in my judicial career have I seen a man fallen from such a height," said High Court judge Andrew Chan when he delivered Tsang's sentence Wednesday.

The conviction sullies a long and otherwise distinguished public service career for Tsang, who led Hong Kong from 2005 to 2012. He is the highest-ranking official to be convicted of a crime in Hong Kong history. He faces a retrial in September on a separate bribery charge; jurors failed to reach a unanimous decision in that case.

The territory, with a reputation of clean governance, has been shaken over a string of public corruption cases in recent years.