
中国时间 3:21 2025年3月6日 星期四


川普和特雷莎·梅将在白宫会晤 贸易是会谈重点






Trump, May to Meet at White House, Trade to be Key Topic

British Prime Minister Theresa May meets with U.S. President Donald Trump Friday at the White House where the two world leaders will hold a joint news conference.

She will be the first foreign leader to meet with Trump in Washington since he took office.

On Thursday, May spoke to a gathering of U.S. Republican leaders in Philadelphia where she said the days of the U.S. and Britain intervening in other nations to remake them in their image are over.

May said it is in British and American interests to defend their values, but not go back to what she called the "failed policies of the past."

May also called for reform in such multinational institutions as the U.N. and NATO "to make them more relevant and purposeful." She said their members have to stop leaning on the United States.








White House: Trump Has a 'Buffet of Options' to Get Mexico to Pay for Border Wall

The White House says President Donald Trump has a "buffet of options" on how to get Mexico to pay for the wall he wants to build along the U.S.-Mexican border.

Earlier Thursday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters Trump wanted to slap a 20 percent tax on all imports from Mexico. He said the new tax would raise $10 billion a year and "easily pay for the wall." He also said the president discussed the idea with congressional leaders and wanted to include the measure in a comprehensive tax reform package that Congress would have to approve.

But later, the White House said the idea is just one of several options on the table for paying for a wall along the southern border. And it said Trump has yet to make a final decision about how the U.S. will recoup the costs of his proposed border wall.

U.S. taxpayers initially would foot the bill for the wall, which is expected to cost as much as $15 billion.

It is unclear what retaliatory steps Mexico could take if the border tax is approved, because exports to the U.S. are essential to the Mexican economy.

Earlier Thursday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto cancelled next week's meeting with Trump in Washington after Trump said the talks should be called off if Mexico keeps insisting it will not pay for the wall.