白宫星期五晚上证实,又有一名职员因家暴指控而辞职。The White House confirmed late Friday that a second staff member had resigned over domestic abuse allegations against him.
英国本月开始实行新法律,政界人士、公众人物以及犯罪分子如被怀疑用脏钱购买房产,将必须解释财产来源,否则房产将被没收。Politicians, public figures and criminals suspected of buying property with corrupt money will be forced to explain their wealth or face having their assets seized, under new legislation that has come into force in Britain this month.
今天我们要学的词是 clone. Clone 动词,克隆。
韩国总统文在寅本周晚些时候将会见朝鲜领导人金正恩的妹妹。South Korean President Moon Jae-in will meet with the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un later this week.
今天我们要学的词是 overdose. Overdose 名词,有吸食药物或毒品过量的意思。
Sink your teeth into 满腔热情地做某件事情,大干一场。I was only given small jobs here and there-nothing I could sink my teeth into.分派给我的都是些小活,无法施展身手。
美国亿万富翁、博彩业大亨史蒂夫·韦恩(Steve Wynn)辞去了在永利度假村的首席执行官职务。不到两星期前,华尔街日报报道,他被指称几十年期间一直有不当性行为。Billionaire casino mogul Steve Wynn has resigned as head of Wynn Resorts, less than two weeks after the Wall Street Journal published a report about decades of allegations of sexual misconduct.
今天我们要学的词是 tariff. Tariff 名词,是关税的意思。
星期二,亚洲主要股市指数大跌。星期一美国股市大抛售的影响波及全世界。Asia's benchmark stock indexes collapsed Tuesday, as Monday's massive selloffs on Wall Street rolled across the globe.
今天我们要学的词是 coalition. Coalition 名词,联盟。
Slip one's mind 忘了。I was supposed to pick up pizza on my way home, but it completely slipped my mind.我本该回家路上顺道把披萨取回来的,结果忘得一干二净。
今天我们要学的词是 reciprocal. Reciprocal 作为形容词,有互惠的意思。
美国认为,俄罗斯将在星期一的最后期限之前遵守两国签署的削减战略武器条约。The United States believes that Russia will honor its commitments under the bilateral Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) by the Monday deadline.
由于对美国总统川普提名的美国驻新加坡大使人选凯瑟琳·麦克法兰的参议院审批过程受阻,她已经放弃了对自己的提名。U.S. President Donald Trump's pick to be ambassador to Singapore has withdrawn her nomination, after confirmation proceedings for her stalled in the Senate.
巴基斯坦国防部长对美国白宫一份声明表达关注。这份声明说,美军已经接到授权摧毁激进分子在巴基斯坦的避风港。Pakistan's defense minister is expressing concern about a White House statement saying the U.S. military has been given authority to eliminate militant safe havens in Pakistan.
今天我们要学的词是 birth rate. Birth rate 出生率。
国际体育仲裁法庭星期四做出裁决,支持28名俄罗斯运动员的上诉请求,这些运动员因被控在2014年索契奥运会上与兴奋剂阴谋有关而遭到国际奥委会的惩罚。The Court of Arbitration for Sport has upheld appeals by 28 Russian athletes who were sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee for an alleged doping scheme at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.
今天我们要学的词是 embezzlement. Embezzlement 名词,有盗用公款的意思。
Golden opportunity 绝好的机会。Joe is torn about the job offer. He doesn’t want to pass up a golden opportunity to advance his career. At the same time though, he doesn’t want to uproot his family.是否接受新工作让Joe很纠结。他不想错过发展事业的好机会,但是又不愿让家人跟着他搬到一个陌生的地方重新开始。
美国农业部长珀杜是川普总统发表国情咨文期间的“指定幸存者”。Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue has been named the "designated survivor" during the State of the Union speech by U.S. President Donald Trump.
今天我们要学的词是 delegation. Delegation 名词,代表团。
美国民主党参议员阻止通过了一项将禁止妊娠超过20个星期的孕妇堕胎的议案。女性在怀孕超过20周后因而仍然可以合法堕胎。U.S. Democratic senators have blocked a bill that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks, ensuring that the procedure stays legal through the later terms of a woman's pregnancy.
今天我们要学的词是 repatriate. Repatriate 动词,有遣返,送回的意思。
To get off on the wrong foot 意思是一上来就不顺利,一上来就把事情弄得很糟糕,出师不利。The negotiation got off on the wrong foot.谈判一开始就不是很顺利。相反的,to get/start off on the right foot意思是一上来就一切顺利。
俄罗斯反对党领袖纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)从莫斯科的警察拘留所获释。Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been released from police detention in Moscow......