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[VOA 매일 영어] 지긋지긋합니다.

[VOA 매일 영어] 지긋지긋합니다.
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회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 지긋지긋하다. 지겹다. 더 이상은 못 견디겠다는 표현 배워보겠습니다. 대화 들어보시죠.

A: Hi John, you look like you’ve had a rough day. Is everything alright?

J: I just had another argument with my boss. I’m tired of it.

A: What happened this time?

J: I stayed late to finish a big project, and then my boss still found something to criticize. I’m really fed up with that.

A: Maybe it’s time to have a more direct conversation with your boss.

J: Well, maybe I’ve just been avoiding it because I’m tired of it all.

John이 회사일이 지긋지긋하다고 말했습니다.

I’m tired of it.

비슷한 표현 한 가지 더 나왔습니다.

I’m really fed up with that.


두 표현 모두 지긋지긋하다. 지겹다는 말입니다.

I’m tired of it.

이 표현에서 I’m tired.라고 of를 빼면 지쳤다. 피곤하다는 뜻입니다.

I’m tired of 뒤에 뭐가 지겨운지, 지긋지긋한 일이 뭔지 말씀하시면 됩니다. 오늘 대화에서는 I’m tired of it all. 모든게 다 지겹다고 했습니다.

I’m tired of everything.

I’m tired of it all.

I’m tired of it.

비슷한 표현

I’m really fed up with that.

I’m sick of that.


느린 속도로 대화 한 번 더 들어보겠습니다.

A: Hi John, you look like you’ve had a rough day. Is everything alright?

J: I just had another argument with my boss. I’m tired of it.

A: What happened this time?

J: I stayed late to finish a big project, and then my boss still found something to criticize. I’m really fed up with that.

A: Maybe it’s time to have a more direct conversation with your boss.

J: Well, maybe I’ve just been avoiding it because I’m tired of it all.

대화 해석해 보겠습니다.

Is everything alright?

모든게 괜찮습니까?

I’m tired of it.


I just had another argument with my boss.

상사와 또 논쟁을 했어요.

I’m really fed up with that.

정말로 지긋지긋합니다.

Maybe it’s time to have a more direct conversation with your boss.

당신의 상사와 더 직접적인 대화가 필요한 시점 같네요.

I guess I’ve just been avoiding it because I’m tired of it all.

나는 그걸 피하고 있어요. 왜냐면 모든 것이 다 지겨워요.

I’m tired of it all. 모든게 다 지겨워요.

I’m tired of everything.

I’m tired of it all.

I’m tired of it.

I’m really fed up with that.

I’ve had it.


끝으로 오늘의 대화 한 번 더 들어보겠습니다.

A: You look like you’ve had a rough day. Is everything alright?

J: I just had another argument with my boss. I’m tired of it.

A: What happened this time?

J: I stayed late to finish a big project, and then my boss still found something to criticize. I’m really fed up with that.

A: Maybe it’s time to have a more direct conversation with your boss.

J: Well, maybe I’ve just been avoiding it because I’m tired of it all.

Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 오늘은 I’m tired of it. 지긋지긋합니다.

I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of it. 모든게 다 지겨워요. I’m really fed up with that.

진저리가 나도록 몹시 괴롭다. 지겹다는 표현 영어로 배웠습니다.