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[VOA 매일 영어] 다른 사람의 일을 방해하다. throw a wrench into the works

[VOA 매일 영어] 다른 사람의 일을 방해하다. throw a wrench into the works
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회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 다른 사람의 일을 방해하는 것, 고의로 어떤 사람의 계획에 훼방을 놓는 행동, 영어로 어떻게 표현하는지 살펴보겠습니다.

회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 다른 사람의 일을 방해하는 것, 고의로 어떤 사람의 계획에 훼방을 놓는 행동, 영어로 어떻게 표현하는지 살펴보겠습니다. 대화 들어보시죠.

J: Have you noticed how David has been acting lately?

A: Yeah, it's like he's been throwing a wrench into the works whenever we make plans. What's up with him?

J: I've been thinking about it, and I think it's because he's jealous.

A: Jealous? Why would he be jealous of us?

J: Remember when we all got promoted last month? David was really hoping for that promotion too, but he didn't get it. I think he's been harboring some resentment ever since.

A: That could explain it. But why would he take it out on us by messing with our plans?

J: I think he sees our success, and it's a constant reminder of what he did not achieve. So, he tries to disrupt things to make himself feel better. I wish he could find a healthier way to deal with his emotions instead of sabotaging our plans.

다른 사람의 일이나 계획을 고의적으로 방해하고, 훼방 놓는 행동을 하는 것 여러가지 방법으로 표현했습니다.

He's been throwing a wrench into the works.

Throw a wrench into the works

Throw a monkey wrench in the works

Throw a wrench in the works

모두 같은 표현으로 wrench, monkey wrench는 볼트나 너트, 나사를 조이는 공구입니다. 이 공구를 던지는 행위가 다른 사람의 일을 고의적으로 방해하고 훼방 놓는다는 표현으로 쓰인 겁니다.

방해하다 mess with도 같은 표현입니다.

Why would he take it out on us by messing with our plans?

왜 우리의 계획을 messing with 방해하는 것으로 우리에게 화풀이를 하는거죠?

Why would he take it out on us by throwing a wrench into the works?

Why would he take it out on us by messing with our plans?

방해하다 disrupt도 같은 뜻 입니다.

He tries to disrupt things to make himself feel better.

그는 일들을 방해함으로써 자신의 기분을 좋아지게 만드는 거죠.

He’s throwing a wrench into the works to make himself feel better.

어떤 일을 혼란에 빠뜨리고, 파괴시키고, 방해하는 행위 sabotage도 비슷한 표현이죠.

I wish he could find a healthier way to deal with his emotions instead of sabotaging our plans.

나는 그가 건강한 방법으로 자신의 감정을 다스리길 바래요.

instead of sabotaging our plans우리의 계획을 망가트리는 대신

I wish he could find a healthier way to deal with his emotions instead of throwing a monkey wrench in the works.

대화 느린 속도로 다시 한번 들어보겠습니다.

J: Have you noticed how David has been acting lately?

A: Yeah, it's like he's been throwing a wrench into the works whenever we make plans. What's up with him?

J: I've been thinking about it, and I think it's because he's jealous.

A: Jealous? Why would he be jealous of us?

J: Remember when we all got promoted last month? David was really hoping for that promotion too, but he didn't get it. I think he's been harboring some resentment ever since.

A: That could explain it. But why would he take it out on us by messing with our plans?

J: I think he sees our success, and it's a constant reminder of what he did not achieve. So, he tries to disrupt things to make himself feel better. I wish he could find a healthier way to deal with his emotions instead of sabotaging our plans.

대화 해석해 보겠습니다.

Have you noticed how David has been acting lately?

데이빗이 최근 어떻게 행동하는지 눈치챘어요?

Yeah, it's like he's been throwing a wrench into the works whenever we make plans.

네, 우리가 계획을 짤 때마다 훼방을 놓는 것 같아요.

What's up with him?

뭐가 문제죠?

도대체 뭐 때문에 그럴까요?

그 사람에게 어떤 일이 일어나고 있는거죠? What's up with him?

Remember when we all got promoted last month?

우리가 모두 지난달에 승진한 것 기억하죠?

David was really hoping for that promotion too, but he didn't get it.

데이빗도 정말 승진을 고대했는데, 승진하지 못했죠.

I think he's been harboring some resentment ever since.

I think 내 생각에 he's been harboring 그는 품고 있어요 some resentment 분노를 ever since. –한 후 부터

That could explain it.

그게 잘 설명해 주네요.

But why would he take it out on us by messing with our plans?

But why would he take it out on us 그런데 왜 우리한테

take it out on 분풀이, 화풀이를 하죠?

by messing with our plans?

우리의 계획을 mess with 방해하는 것으로

I wish he could find a healthier way to deal with his emotions instead of sabotaging our plans.

나는 그가 우리의 계획을 고의적으로 방해하는 대신 건강한 방법으로 자신의 감정을 다스리길 바래요.

Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 오늘은 throw a wrench into the works, disrupt, mess with, sabotage, 다른 사람의 일을 방해하거나 훼방놓는 행동들을 영어로 표현해 봤습니다.