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[VOA 매일 영어] 페인트가 마르는 걸 지켜보는 것처럼 너무 지루합니다. It’s like watching paint dry.

[VOA 매일 영어] 페인트가 마르는 걸 지켜보는 것처럼 너무 지루합니다. It’s like watching paint dry.
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회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 어떤것이 너무 지겹다, 지루하다는 표현 영어로는 페인트가 마르는 걸 지켜보는 것처럼 지루하다고 하는데요, 대화를 통해 들어보겠습니다.

회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 어떤것이 너무 지겹다, 지루하다는 표현 영어로는 페인트가 마르는 걸 지켜보는 것처럼 지루하다고 하는데요, 대화를 통해 들어보겠습니다.

A: John, have you seen that new movie that everyone's talking about?

J: Yeah, I watched it last week. Honestly, I wouldn’t watch that movie again. It's like watching paint dry.

A: What did you not like?

J: The pacing was incredibly slow. It felt like time was standing still, just like watching paint dry. The story didn't have much depth either, and the characters were quite dull.

A: Did anything stand out in the movie?

J: Not really. There were a few moments that tried to add excitement, but they were short-lived. It was like a brief flicker of interest in an otherwise monotonous experience.

A: Did the visuals make up for it?

J: Unfortunately, no. The visuals were bland, and the cinematography lacked creativity. It was like watching a painted wall slowly dry. Every second feels like an eternity. I don't want to discourage you from watching it if you're curious, but it just didn't work for me. I'd rather spend my time on something more captivating.

A: I understand. Life's too short to waste on movies that feel like watching paint dry.

John과 어떤 영화를 봤는데, 너무 지겨웠다. 페이트가 마르는 것을 지켜보는 것 같았다라는 표현했습니다.

It's like watching paint dry.

페인트가 마르는 것을 지켜보는 것 같았습니다. 그러니까 너무 지겨웠습니다. 지루했다는 표현입니다.

It felt like time was standing still, just like watching paint dry.

It felt like time was standing still.

시간이 멈춘 것 같았습니다.

just like watching paint dry 페인트가 마르는 것을 보는 것처럼

It felt like time was standing still, just like watching paint dry.

페인트가 마르는 것을 보는 것처럼 시간이 멈춘 것 같았습니다.

It was like watching a painted wall slowly dry.

이것은 마치 벽에 칠한 페인트가 천천히 말라가는 것을 보는 것 같았습니다.

Life's too short to waste on movies that feel like watching paint dry.

인생은 페인트가 마르는 것 같이 지루한 영화를 보는데 시간을 낭비 하기에는 너무 짧아요.

It's like watching paint dry. 너무 지루하다는 표현 기억하시면서 오늘의 대화 느린 속도로 한 번 더 들어보겠습니다.

A: John, have you seen that new movie that everyone's talking about?

J: Yeah, I watched it last week. Honestly, I wouldn’t watch that movie again. It's like watching paint dry.

A: What did you not like?

J: The pacing was incredibly slow. It felt like time was standing still, just like watching paint dry. The story didn't have much depth either, and the characters were quite dull.

A: Did anything stand out in the movie?

J: Not really. There were a few moments that tried to add excitement, but they were short-lived. It was like a brief flicker of interest in an otherwise monotonous experience.

A: Did the visuals make up for it?

J: Unfortunately, no. The visuals were bland, and the cinematography lacked creativity. It was like watching a painted wall slowly dry. Every second feels like an eternity. I don't want to discourage you from watching it if you're curious, but it just didn't work for me. I'd rather spend my time on something more captivating.

A: I understand. Life's too short to waste on movies that feel like watching paint dry.

대화 해석해 보겠습니다.

Have you seen that new movie that everyone's talking about?

모든 사람들이 얘기하는 그 영화 봤어요?

Honestly, I wouldn’t watch that movie again.

솔직히, 그 영화 다시 보지 않을 겁니다.

It's like watching paint dry.

너무 지루합니다.

The pacing was incredibly slow.

Pacing 속도가 너무 느렸어요. 영화 진행 속도가 너무 느렸습니다.

It felt like time was standing still, just like watching paint dry.

페인트가 마르는 것을 지켜 보는 것처럼 시간이 멈춘 것 같았어요.

Did anything stand out in the movie?

영화에서 눈에 띄는 장면이라도 있었나요?

There were a few moments that tried to add excitement, but they were short-lived.

흥미로운 것을 넣으려고 노력한 부분이 몇 군데 있었지만, short-lived 오래가지 못했습니다.

It was like watching a painted wall slowly dry.

마치 벽에 칠해진 페인트가 서서히 말라가는 것을 지켜보는 것 같았어요.

Every second feels like an eternity.

매 초가 영원처럼 느껴졌습니다.

Each passing moment seems to stretch on forever.

Life's too short to waste on movies that feel like watching paint dry.

인생은 페인트가 마르는 것 같이 지루한 영화를 보는데 시간을 낭비 하기에는 너무 짧아요.

It’s like watching paint dry.

페이트가 마르는 걸 지켜보는 것처럼 너무 지루합니다.

It felt like time was standing still, just like watching paint dry.

It felt like time was standing still.

Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 오늘은 너무 지겹다. It’s like watching paint dry. 페이트가 마르는 걸 지켜보는 것처럼 너무 지루하다는 표현 공부했습니다.