회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 어떤 사람의 첫인상이 어땠는지, 어떤 도시나 지역에 대한 인상이 어땠는지 물어볼 때 영어로 어떻게 표현하는지 살펴보겠습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Glad to be here.
A: What was your first impression of me?
J: I think probably that you were a paragon. We don’t use that word too often but it fits.
A: You thought I was perfect? I’ll buy you lunch. I’m so flattered. My first impression of you was really good. You seemed nice and smart. I thought you were a voice actor. You still have a fantastic voice.
J: How about Daivd? What kind of first impression did he make on you?
A: No comment.
제가 John에게 저의 첫인상이 어땠는지 물어봤습니다.
What was your first impression of me?
내 첫인상이 어땠어요? What was your first impression of me?
다른 사람의 첫인상을 물어볼 수 도 있죠.
What kind of first impression did he make on you?
그의 대한 당신의 첫인상은 뭔가요?
꼭 첫인상이라고 꼬집어 말하지 않고, 그냥 그 사람의 인상이 어땠는지 물어볼 수 도 있겠죠.
How did he strike you?
그 사람 인상이 어땠어요? How did he strike you? 여기서 strike는 –을 느끼게 하다. –누구에게 인상을 심다로 해석하시면 됩니다.
뉴욕에 대한 인상이 어땠나요?
How did New York strike you?
대화를 통해 들어보시죠.
A: Have you been to California?
J: Yes, everybody has to go to California at some point.
A: How did California strike you?
J: It used to be green there. But the people are friendly.
캘리포니아에 대한 인상을 물어봤는데요. 이번에는 사람에 대한 인상 물어보는 대화 들어보시죠.
A: Did you meet our new member?
J: You mean David, who started last Monday?
A: Yes, how did he strike you?
J: He was avoiding the supervisors. I think he will fit right in.
제가 John에게 지난 월요일 일 시작한 데이빗의 인상이 어땠냐고 물어봤습니다. 그의 인상 어때요? How did he strike you? Strike가 때리다라는 뜻도 있는데 여기서는 인상이 어떤지 물어본 겁니다.
계속해서 대화 들어보시죠.
J: I saw David’s brother the other day.
A: You mean Tom the football player?
J: Tom is a football player? He didn’t strike me as a football player.
제가 John에게 데이빗의 형 톰을 봤다고 얘기하자, John은 He didn’t strike me as a football player. 풋볼 선수같지 않았다. 그러니까 He didn’t look like a football player. He didn’t strike me as a football player. 이라고 대답했습니다.
그럼, 끝으로 첫인상에 관해 나눈 대화 한번 더 들어보겠습니다.
A: What was your first impression of me?
J: That you were very professional. And you could do everything! All the jobs!
A: My first impression of you was really good. You seemed nice and smart. I thought you were a voice actor. You still have a fantastic voice.
J: How about David? What kind of first impression did he make on you?
A: I will not go there.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 내 첫인상이 어땠어요? What was your first impression of me? 그의 인상 어때요? How did he strike you? 인상, 어떤 대상에게 느껴지는 느낌을 영어로 어떻게 물어보는지 알아봤습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Glad to be here.
A: What was your first impression of me?
J: I think probably that you were a paragon. We don’t use that word too often but it fits.
A: You thought I was perfect? I’ll buy you lunch. I’m so flattered. My first impression of you was really good. You seemed nice and smart. I thought you were a voice actor. You still have a fantastic voice.
J: How about Daivd? What kind of first impression did he make on you?
A: No comment.
제가 John에게 저의 첫인상이 어땠는지 물어봤습니다.
What was your first impression of me?
내 첫인상이 어땠어요? What was your first impression of me?
다른 사람의 첫인상을 물어볼 수 도 있죠.
What kind of first impression did he make on you?
그의 대한 당신의 첫인상은 뭔가요?
꼭 첫인상이라고 꼬집어 말하지 않고, 그냥 그 사람의 인상이 어땠는지 물어볼 수 도 있겠죠.
How did he strike you?
그 사람 인상이 어땠어요? How did he strike you? 여기서 strike는 –을 느끼게 하다. –누구에게 인상을 심다로 해석하시면 됩니다.
뉴욕에 대한 인상이 어땠나요?
How did New York strike you?
대화를 통해 들어보시죠.
A: Have you been to California?
J: Yes, everybody has to go to California at some point.
A: How did California strike you?
J: It used to be green there. But the people are friendly.
캘리포니아에 대한 인상을 물어봤는데요. 이번에는 사람에 대한 인상 물어보는 대화 들어보시죠.
A: Did you meet our new member?
J: You mean David, who started last Monday?
A: Yes, how did he strike you?
J: He was avoiding the supervisors. I think he will fit right in.
제가 John에게 지난 월요일 일 시작한 데이빗의 인상이 어땠냐고 물어봤습니다. 그의 인상 어때요? How did he strike you? Strike가 때리다라는 뜻도 있는데 여기서는 인상이 어떤지 물어본 겁니다.
계속해서 대화 들어보시죠.
J: I saw David’s brother the other day.
A: You mean Tom the football player?
J: Tom is a football player? He didn’t strike me as a football player.
제가 John에게 데이빗의 형 톰을 봤다고 얘기하자, John은 He didn’t strike me as a football player. 풋볼 선수같지 않았다. 그러니까 He didn’t look like a football player. He didn’t strike me as a football player. 이라고 대답했습니다.
그럼, 끝으로 첫인상에 관해 나눈 대화 한번 더 들어보겠습니다.
A: What was your first impression of me?
J: That you were very professional. And you could do everything! All the jobs!
A: My first impression of you was really good. You seemed nice and smart. I thought you were a voice actor. You still have a fantastic voice.
J: How about David? What kind of first impression did he make on you?
A: I will not go there.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 내 첫인상이 어땠어요? What was your first impression of me? 그의 인상 어때요? How did he strike you? 인상, 어떤 대상에게 느껴지는 느낌을 영어로 어떻게 물어보는지 알아봤습니다.