회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 대화를 하다 마칠때, 전화 통화를 끝맺을 때 bye라는 말 외에도 여러가지로 인사를 할 수 있습니다. 대화를 통해 익혀보시죠.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Nice to be here.
A: Okay. I’ve got to go. See you tomorrow.
J: Already? I just got here.
A: I know. Have you ever felt awkward when you don’t know how to end the conversation? I mean you already covered everything you want to talk about, but you don’t know how to close the conversation without hurting somebody’s feelings.
J: It also happens while exchanging text messages. When you are in a face to face conversation, you can tell if a person is busy. But if you can’t see the person, you have to sort of guess who is going to send the last message.
A: So, if the conversation happens over the phone. What do you say at the end of the conversation other than bye?
J: You could say I hope to see you soon. or Talk to you later. It’s rude to hang up the phone without saying a proper good bye. You can say ‘It was good to hear from you.’ Or ‘Catch up again soon.’ ‘See you around.’
곧 또 통화해요 Catch up again soon. Have a nice day. 통화가 이른 시간 이뤄졌다면 오늘 좋은 하루 보내세요.라고 끝맺을 수 있겠죠.
J: Take it easy. This means don’t work too hard. Take care, meaning take care of yourself. It’s another way of saying good-bye.
Take it easy. 너무 무리해서 일하지 마세요.
J: Sometimes, I use the word ‘Anyway’ to change the subject. Or I explain, I have something to do. I have to go. I’ve got to get going. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Or I look forward to seeing you next time.
anyway다른 이야기를 시작할 때 많이 사용하죠. 전화 통화가 끝날때, 인사하고 마치자라는 의미로, Anyway쓸 수 있습니다. 할 일이 있어서 이만 끊어야 해요. I’ve got to get going. I look forward to seeing you again. 또 만나길 고대합니다.
J: When you want to cheer someone up at the end of a conversation, you can say ‘Hang in there.’ This is a way of telling someone to not give up.
Hang in there. 힘들어도 버티세요.
A: It’s always good to mention that it was nice talking to you.
J: And I enjoyed talking to you. We’ll talk again soon.
통화해서 좋았습니다. 직접 얼굴보고 헤어질때도 유용하게 쓸 수 있는표현이죠. It was nice talking to you. I enjoyed talking to you. See you soon.
계속연락 합시다.
Please keep me posted.
지금은 일단 잘가요.
Bye for now.
잠시만 안녕이라고 생각하시면 됩니다. Bye for now.
일이 있어서 대화를 그만 중단하고 가야한다면 나는 가야합니다.
I’ve got to go.
I’ve got to get going.
I must be going.
I’ve got something to do.
I really must be going. 가야한다는 것이고, I better be going. 가는게 좋겠어요.라는 표현입니다. 이메일을 끝맺을 때는
J: So when writing, it’s Best regards, Regards, Kind regards, Thanks in advance, All the best, and Sincerely yours, But remember, 'Sincerely yours is the American version of Yours sincerely which is British. If you are an American writing to someone in the UK, you might consider using Your sincerely.
미국에서 이메일을 끝맺을 때는 Sincerely yours 영국에서 이메일을 끝맺을 때는 Yours sincerely 입니다.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 헤어질때 하는 인사말, 그리고 이메일이나 편지에 끝맺음을 어떻게 하는지 살펴봤습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Nice to be here.
A: Okay. I’ve got to go. See you tomorrow.
J: Already? I just got here.
A: I know. Have you ever felt awkward when you don’t know how to end the conversation? I mean you already covered everything you want to talk about, but you don’t know how to close the conversation without hurting somebody’s feelings.
J: It also happens while exchanging text messages. When you are in a face to face conversation, you can tell if a person is busy. But if you can’t see the person, you have to sort of guess who is going to send the last message.
A: So, if the conversation happens over the phone. What do you say at the end of the conversation other than bye?
J: You could say I hope to see you soon. or Talk to you later. It’s rude to hang up the phone without saying a proper good bye. You can say ‘It was good to hear from you.’ Or ‘Catch up again soon.’ ‘See you around.’
곧 또 통화해요 Catch up again soon. Have a nice day. 통화가 이른 시간 이뤄졌다면 오늘 좋은 하루 보내세요.라고 끝맺을 수 있겠죠.
J: Take it easy. This means don’t work too hard. Take care, meaning take care of yourself. It’s another way of saying good-bye.
Take it easy. 너무 무리해서 일하지 마세요.
J: Sometimes, I use the word ‘Anyway’ to change the subject. Or I explain, I have something to do. I have to go. I’ve got to get going. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Or I look forward to seeing you next time.
anyway다른 이야기를 시작할 때 많이 사용하죠. 전화 통화가 끝날때, 인사하고 마치자라는 의미로, Anyway쓸 수 있습니다. 할 일이 있어서 이만 끊어야 해요. I’ve got to get going. I look forward to seeing you again. 또 만나길 고대합니다.
J: When you want to cheer someone up at the end of a conversation, you can say ‘Hang in there.’ This is a way of telling someone to not give up.
Hang in there. 힘들어도 버티세요.
A: It’s always good to mention that it was nice talking to you.
J: And I enjoyed talking to you. We’ll talk again soon.
통화해서 좋았습니다. 직접 얼굴보고 헤어질때도 유용하게 쓸 수 있는표현이죠. It was nice talking to you. I enjoyed talking to you. See you soon.
계속연락 합시다.
Please keep me posted.
지금은 일단 잘가요.
Bye for now.
잠시만 안녕이라고 생각하시면 됩니다. Bye for now.
일이 있어서 대화를 그만 중단하고 가야한다면 나는 가야합니다.
I’ve got to go.
I’ve got to get going.
I must be going.
I’ve got something to do.
I really must be going. 가야한다는 것이고, I better be going. 가는게 좋겠어요.라는 표현입니다. 이메일을 끝맺을 때는
J: So when writing, it’s Best regards, Regards, Kind regards, Thanks in advance, All the best, and Sincerely yours, But remember, 'Sincerely yours is the American version of Yours sincerely which is British. If you are an American writing to someone in the UK, you might consider using Your sincerely.
미국에서 이메일을 끝맺을 때는 Sincerely yours 영국에서 이메일을 끝맺을 때는 Yours sincerely 입니다.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 헤어질때 하는 인사말, 그리고 이메일이나 편지에 끝맺음을 어떻게 하는지 살펴봤습니다.