회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 일상 대화에서 가장 흔하게 많이 하는 대화가 날씨와 음식 아닐까 싶습니다. 오늘은 음식과 관련된 여러가지 영어표현 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Thanks for having me.
A: What’s your favorite food?
J: Steamed crabs, Blue crabs from Maryland.
A: I love spicy food. Anything spicy. After eating spicy food, I’m wide awake. And my tongue’s on fire. I like this sensation. Eating spicy food is like a stress relief for me.
J: Let me guess. Today’s topic is food.
A: Right, I saw you eating a banana this morning. Why don’t we start with a banana?
J: Bananas are a popular fruit. But when we say go bananas, that’s a person who is wild with excitement or sometimes worry.
A: So if you go bananas, that’s not cool.
J: Speaking of cool. You might say a person is as cool as a cucumber if he never seems to worry about anything and stays calm in a stressful situation. And here’s another one. Do you know how to make a pickle?
A: Yes, it’s simple. You put a cucumber in a solution of vinegar and spices for a long time, and it becomes a pickle.
J: When you see a person who’s calm in a difficult situation, we say he’s as cool as a cucumber. But if you are in a pickle, you are probably in trouble.
As cool as a cucumber 오이처럼 시원하다. 그러니까 어려운 상황에서 굉장히 침착하다라는 뜻이죠. 그러나 I’m in a pickle. 나는 힘든 상황에 있다라는 뜻 입니다. 오이 절인게 pickle이죠. 야채가 소금과 식초안에 절여져 있는 상태, 내가 in a pickle 절임통 안에 있다는 것은 힘든 어려운 상황에 놓여있다라는 말이 됩니다.
J: Now there’s many expressions that relate to beans.
A: Beans are a popular food in many countries.
J: Yes, beans are important in the diet of many cultures. Rich in fiber, protein and nutrients, beans are a healthy food. But, spilling the beans would not be good. The origin of “spill the beans” goes back to ancient Greece. It comes from one way the ancient Greeks voted. Back then, people voted by dropping a white or black bean into a clay urn. If the container fell on its side or broke, the beans would spill out. And this would show everyone the results of the secret vote before all the beans were counted.
Spill the beans 콩을 쏟다. 예로부터 콩은 중요한 음식이었습니다. 콩을 땅에 쏟는 다는 것은 나쁜 상황이 일어난것을 의미합니다. Spill the beans는 비밀을 말하다는 뜻 인데요, 의도했던 의도치 않았던 비밀이 알려지게된 상황을 의미합니다. 옛날 그리스에서 투표를 할 때 검정콩과 흰콩으로 찬성과 반대 의견을 표현 했는데, 콩을 담았던 그릇이 항아리가 쏟아지면서 비밀이 누설됐다는 것에 spill the beans 콩을 쏟았다는 표현이 비밀이 누설됐다는 뜻으로 사용됐다는 겁니다.
J: If someone is very energetic, you might say he is full of beans. The phrase full of beans was attributed to the practice of feeding beans to horses as fodder. Supposedly, horses that were fed beans were more energetic and lively.
Full of beans는 원기 왕성하다. 에너지가 넘치다라는 표현입니다.
A: I’m full of beans today. Let’s go over one more bean expression.
J: If I say I don’t know beans about that, it means I don’t know anything about it.
A: So, if I say, I don’t know beans about rockets, that means I don’t know anything about rockets.
J: Yes, we use this expression, when we have no knowledge on the subject. I can say, Don’t ask me about airplanes. I don’t know beans about airplanes.
부정적인 표현으로 쥐뿔도 모른다라고 할 수 도 있고, 그냥 무난하게는 어떤 분야에 대해서는 문외한이다. 이렇게 해석할 수 있겠습니다.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 go bananas, go crazy 미치다 As cool as a cucumber 오이처럼 시원하다. 그러니까 어려운 상황에서 굉장히 침착하다I’m in a pickle. 나는 힘든 상황에 있다spill the beans 비밀을 말하다 I’m full of beans. 에너지가 넘친다. Don’t know beans about 어떤 것에 대해 잘 모른다. 문외한이다. 음식이 사용된 여러가지 표현들 살펴봤습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Thanks for having me.
A: What’s your favorite food?
J: Steamed crabs, Blue crabs from Maryland.
A: I love spicy food. Anything spicy. After eating spicy food, I’m wide awake. And my tongue’s on fire. I like this sensation. Eating spicy food is like a stress relief for me.
J: Let me guess. Today’s topic is food.
A: Right, I saw you eating a banana this morning. Why don’t we start with a banana?
J: Bananas are a popular fruit. But when we say go bananas, that’s a person who is wild with excitement or sometimes worry.
A: So if you go bananas, that’s not cool.
J: Speaking of cool. You might say a person is as cool as a cucumber if he never seems to worry about anything and stays calm in a stressful situation. And here’s another one. Do you know how to make a pickle?
A: Yes, it’s simple. You put a cucumber in a solution of vinegar and spices for a long time, and it becomes a pickle.
J: When you see a person who’s calm in a difficult situation, we say he’s as cool as a cucumber. But if you are in a pickle, you are probably in trouble.
As cool as a cucumber 오이처럼 시원하다. 그러니까 어려운 상황에서 굉장히 침착하다라는 뜻이죠. 그러나 I’m in a pickle. 나는 힘든 상황에 있다라는 뜻 입니다. 오이 절인게 pickle이죠. 야채가 소금과 식초안에 절여져 있는 상태, 내가 in a pickle 절임통 안에 있다는 것은 힘든 어려운 상황에 놓여있다라는 말이 됩니다.
J: Now there’s many expressions that relate to beans.
A: Beans are a popular food in many countries.
J: Yes, beans are important in the diet of many cultures. Rich in fiber, protein and nutrients, beans are a healthy food. But, spilling the beans would not be good. The origin of “spill the beans” goes back to ancient Greece. It comes from one way the ancient Greeks voted. Back then, people voted by dropping a white or black bean into a clay urn. If the container fell on its side or broke, the beans would spill out. And this would show everyone the results of the secret vote before all the beans were counted.
Spill the beans 콩을 쏟다. 예로부터 콩은 중요한 음식이었습니다. 콩을 땅에 쏟는 다는 것은 나쁜 상황이 일어난것을 의미합니다. Spill the beans는 비밀을 말하다는 뜻 인데요, 의도했던 의도치 않았던 비밀이 알려지게된 상황을 의미합니다. 옛날 그리스에서 투표를 할 때 검정콩과 흰콩으로 찬성과 반대 의견을 표현 했는데, 콩을 담았던 그릇이 항아리가 쏟아지면서 비밀이 누설됐다는 것에 spill the beans 콩을 쏟았다는 표현이 비밀이 누설됐다는 뜻으로 사용됐다는 겁니다.
J: If someone is very energetic, you might say he is full of beans. The phrase full of beans was attributed to the practice of feeding beans to horses as fodder. Supposedly, horses that were fed beans were more energetic and lively.
Full of beans는 원기 왕성하다. 에너지가 넘치다라는 표현입니다.
A: I’m full of beans today. Let’s go over one more bean expression.
J: If I say I don’t know beans about that, it means I don’t know anything about it.
A: So, if I say, I don’t know beans about rockets, that means I don’t know anything about rockets.
J: Yes, we use this expression, when we have no knowledge on the subject. I can say, Don’t ask me about airplanes. I don’t know beans about airplanes.
부정적인 표현으로 쥐뿔도 모른다라고 할 수 도 있고, 그냥 무난하게는 어떤 분야에 대해서는 문외한이다. 이렇게 해석할 수 있겠습니다.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 go bananas, go crazy 미치다 As cool as a cucumber 오이처럼 시원하다. 그러니까 어려운 상황에서 굉장히 침착하다I’m in a pickle. 나는 힘든 상황에 있다spill the beans 비밀을 말하다 I’m full of beans. 에너지가 넘친다. Don’t know beans about 어떤 것에 대해 잘 모른다. 문외한이다. 음식이 사용된 여러가지 표현들 살펴봤습니다.