회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 영어 대화시, 상대방이 진실을 말하는건지 비꼬는 건지 파악하지 못할 때가 있으면 이렇게 묻고싶죠? 비꼬는 거에요? 반어법입니까? 영어로 어떻게 표현하는지 대화를 통해 들어보시죠.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Good to be here.
A: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
J: Only if you don’t notice.
A: When people try to learn English, there’s many difficulties, one of them is sarcasm.
J: I agree, even Americans sometimes don’t get it. Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what the words really mean.
A: Thanks a lot is one of the example, people sometimes say thanks to a person, when the person doesn’t deserve a thank you at all.
J: That’s easy to figure out by the way you say thank you. Because I could say Thanks a lot. But when you can’t tell what a person means, you can ask, “Are you being sarcastic?”
A: When was the last time you asked someone “Are you being sarcastic?”
J: I never do, because I’m probably being sarcastic myself.
A: The other day, someone asked me, “How’s everything?” when I was having a problem with the printer. Can you guess what I said?
J: I’m having the best day ever?
A: Yep!
오늘은 비꼬는 말투 sarcasm에 대해 살펴보고 있는데요, 이런 종류의 반어법, 그러니까 표현하고자 하는 것에 대해 반대되는 말을 자주 하는 사람을 sarcastic person이라고 합니다. 미국 사람들이 빈정대는 농담을 할때, 그 것을 잘 못 받아들이면 오해가 생길 수 있으니까, sarcasm을 이해하는데 도움이 되는 문장들을 배워보겠습니다. 먼저, 어떤 사람이 반어적으로 표현을 했는데, 그것을 눈치 못채고, 그대로 받아들였다면, That was sarcasm. 내가 한말은 비꼬는 것이었다고 다시 말해주면 됩니다. 또 이런 표현들은 친한 사이에서만 사용하시기 바랍니다. 또, 나는 진심으로 얘기했는데, 상대방이 내 진심을 못 알아주고, 잘못 받아들였다면, That was not sarcasm. I really mean it. 비꼬는 말 아니었어요. 진심입니다. 이렇게 표현할 수 도 있고, 또 어떤 사람이 너무 빈정된다면, Don’t be sarcastic. 빈정대지 마세요. 이렇게 얘기할 수 있습니다.
A: John, can you identify when someone is being serious or being sarcastic?
J: I think it would be good for anybody who's not an English speaker to notice several cues. If somebody slows down their speech, or if their voice suddenly goes up and down, or if they make long pauses, you have to listen to how they accent their words. But you can always ask 'Are you being sarcastic? Do you really mean that?' and they'll usually give you a hint.
A: John, did you hear that you have to work this weekend?
J: Why? It’s David’s turn if somebody calls in sick.
A: You are right, somebody called in sick, and David is sick too.
J: Thanks a lot David for this opportunity. Now I can spend my weekend here again.
A: So you are being sarcastic. Your tone of voice changed. Your voice went up and down and you rolled your eyes too.
J: They can’t see that part. But yes, I was being sarcastic. If there's a hurricane outside and you look out the window and say 'Hey, nice weather we're having,' everyone knows you're being sarcastic, regardless of what your face or your voice does. But like you said before, if you don’t have solid proof, just ask.
A: Okay. Are you being sarcastic?
J: No. not me. I never am.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 비꼬시는 겁니까? Are you being sarcastic? 아니면 진심입니까? Or Are you serious? Or Did you really mean that? 빈정대지 마세요. Don’t be sarcastic. 상대방이 농담을 하는지 비꼬는 건지 알 수 없을 때 영어로 어떻게 질문하는지 배웠습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Good to be here.
A: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
J: Only if you don’t notice.
A: When people try to learn English, there’s many difficulties, one of them is sarcasm.
J: I agree, even Americans sometimes don’t get it. Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what the words really mean.
A: Thanks a lot is one of the example, people sometimes say thanks to a person, when the person doesn’t deserve a thank you at all.
J: That’s easy to figure out by the way you say thank you. Because I could say Thanks a lot. But when you can’t tell what a person means, you can ask, “Are you being sarcastic?”
A: When was the last time you asked someone “Are you being sarcastic?”
J: I never do, because I’m probably being sarcastic myself.
A: The other day, someone asked me, “How’s everything?” when I was having a problem with the printer. Can you guess what I said?
J: I’m having the best day ever?
A: Yep!
오늘은 비꼬는 말투 sarcasm에 대해 살펴보고 있는데요, 이런 종류의 반어법, 그러니까 표현하고자 하는 것에 대해 반대되는 말을 자주 하는 사람을 sarcastic person이라고 합니다. 미국 사람들이 빈정대는 농담을 할때, 그 것을 잘 못 받아들이면 오해가 생길 수 있으니까, sarcasm을 이해하는데 도움이 되는 문장들을 배워보겠습니다. 먼저, 어떤 사람이 반어적으로 표현을 했는데, 그것을 눈치 못채고, 그대로 받아들였다면, That was sarcasm. 내가 한말은 비꼬는 것이었다고 다시 말해주면 됩니다. 또 이런 표현들은 친한 사이에서만 사용하시기 바랍니다. 또, 나는 진심으로 얘기했는데, 상대방이 내 진심을 못 알아주고, 잘못 받아들였다면, That was not sarcasm. I really mean it. 비꼬는 말 아니었어요. 진심입니다. 이렇게 표현할 수 도 있고, 또 어떤 사람이 너무 빈정된다면, Don’t be sarcastic. 빈정대지 마세요. 이렇게 얘기할 수 있습니다.
A: John, can you identify when someone is being serious or being sarcastic?
J: I think it would be good for anybody who's not an English speaker to notice several cues. If somebody slows down their speech, or if their voice suddenly goes up and down, or if they make long pauses, you have to listen to how they accent their words. But you can always ask 'Are you being sarcastic? Do you really mean that?' and they'll usually give you a hint.
A: John, did you hear that you have to work this weekend?
J: Why? It’s David’s turn if somebody calls in sick.
A: You are right, somebody called in sick, and David is sick too.
J: Thanks a lot David for this opportunity. Now I can spend my weekend here again.
A: So you are being sarcastic. Your tone of voice changed. Your voice went up and down and you rolled your eyes too.
J: They can’t see that part. But yes, I was being sarcastic. If there's a hurricane outside and you look out the window and say 'Hey, nice weather we're having,' everyone knows you're being sarcastic, regardless of what your face or your voice does. But like you said before, if you don’t have solid proof, just ask.
A: Okay. Are you being sarcastic?
J: No. not me. I never am.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 비꼬시는 겁니까? Are you being sarcastic? 아니면 진심입니까? Or Are you serious? Or Did you really mean that? 빈정대지 마세요. Don’t be sarcastic. 상대방이 농담을 하는지 비꼬는 건지 알 수 없을 때 영어로 어떻게 질문하는지 배웠습니다.