회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English, VOA 매일영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 한국에서는 혈액형을 물어보고 사람의 성격을 파악하거나 출생년에 따라 정해진 띠별 운세를 찾아보죠. 미국 사람들에게 혈액형이 뭐냐고 물어보면 자신의 혈액형을 모르는 사람이 많습니다. 미국 사람들은 별자리를 통해 성격이나 운세를 파악합니다. 오늘은 대화를 통해 어떤 별자리들이 있는지 별자리와 성격을 어떻게 연관 시키는지 대화를 통해 들어보시죠.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Thanks for having me.
A: Do you know your blood type?
J: Ah.. Actually no. Red?
A: In Korea, we relate blood types with personality. It’s very common to ask people’s blood type. I’m blood type AB. They say blood type AB is popular, critical, caring and self-centered. It’s kind a contradicting though. Then, what’s your sign?
J: Gemini. They say I’m flexible, clever and impulsive. What’s your sign?
A: I’m Libra. They say I’m friendly, frank, and I will spend hours evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of very small things.
J: So, In Korea if you want to find out today’s horoscope, what do you look for?
A: We have a 띠, it’s similar to signs. We have 12 different 띠 for each year in a 12-year cycle. Could you explain the 12 different signs?
J: The Zordiac is composed of 12 different signs.
Aquarius: 1/20-2/18
Pisces: 2/19-3/20
Aries: 3/21-4/19
Taurus: 4/20-5/20
Gemini: 5/21-6/20
Cancer: 6/21-7/22
Leo: 7/23-8/22
Virgo: 8/23-9/22
Libra: 9/23-10/22
Scorpio: 10/23-11/21
Sagittarius: 11/22-12/21
Capricorn: 12/22-1/19
한국 사람들이 신문에 나와있는 오늘의 운세를 띠로 구분해서 본다면, 미국 사람들은 1년을 12기간으로 나눈 별자리를 통해 운세를 봅니다. 별자리로 오늘의 운세를 한번 읽어볼까요?
A: John, do you want to find out your horoscope for today?
J: I do.
A: Gemini: Today there are many areas in which you can shine. You need only be yourself to win over the hearts of others.
J: So I just do nothing. That’s easy. So let me read your horoscope. Libra: You are great in managing things and situations. Today, one of your close friends might get in some legal trouble and you shall be called upon to help… But by the end of the day, the issue will be resolved. Also, you are going to have a good day at work.
A: I’m glad to hear that the issue will be resolved. I have to help someone, but you don’t have to do anything today. You need only be yourself. I like your horoscope today.
J: I do that horoscope everyday.
Everyday English, VOA 매일영어 오늘은 What’s your sign? 별자리가 뭔가요? 별자리를 통해 오늘의 운세를 보는 방법까지 살펴봤습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Thanks for having me.
A: Do you know your blood type?
J: Ah.. Actually no. Red?
A: In Korea, we relate blood types with personality. It’s very common to ask people’s blood type. I’m blood type AB. They say blood type AB is popular, critical, caring and self-centered. It’s kind a contradicting though. Then, what’s your sign?
J: Gemini. They say I’m flexible, clever and impulsive. What’s your sign?
A: I’m Libra. They say I’m friendly, frank, and I will spend hours evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of very small things.
J: So, In Korea if you want to find out today’s horoscope, what do you look for?
A: We have a 띠, it’s similar to signs. We have 12 different 띠 for each year in a 12-year cycle. Could you explain the 12 different signs?
J: The Zordiac is composed of 12 different signs.
Aquarius: 1/20-2/18
Pisces: 2/19-3/20
Aries: 3/21-4/19
Taurus: 4/20-5/20
Gemini: 5/21-6/20
Cancer: 6/21-7/22
Leo: 7/23-8/22
Virgo: 8/23-9/22
Libra: 9/23-10/22
Scorpio: 10/23-11/21
Sagittarius: 11/22-12/21
Capricorn: 12/22-1/19
한국 사람들이 신문에 나와있는 오늘의 운세를 띠로 구분해서 본다면, 미국 사람들은 1년을 12기간으로 나눈 별자리를 통해 운세를 봅니다. 별자리로 오늘의 운세를 한번 읽어볼까요?
A: John, do you want to find out your horoscope for today?
J: I do.
A: Gemini: Today there are many areas in which you can shine. You need only be yourself to win over the hearts of others.
J: So I just do nothing. That’s easy. So let me read your horoscope. Libra: You are great in managing things and situations. Today, one of your close friends might get in some legal trouble and you shall be called upon to help… But by the end of the day, the issue will be resolved. Also, you are going to have a good day at work.
A: I’m glad to hear that the issue will be resolved. I have to help someone, but you don’t have to do anything today. You need only be yourself. I like your horoscope today.
J: I do that horoscope everyday.
Everyday English, VOA 매일영어 오늘은 What’s your sign? 별자리가 뭔가요? 별자리를 통해 오늘의 운세를 보는 방법까지 살펴봤습니다.