회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 영어 이름에 대해 살펴보겠습니다. William을 Bill이라고 부른다는 것 아셨나요? 오늘은 미국인들이 조금 긴 이름은 줄여서 부를 때, 이름이 어떻게 바뀌는지 알아보도록 하겠습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Thanks for having me.
A: Can I call you Johnny? or Jack? I just found out, sometimes people call John, Jack?
J: No, but it’s nice of you to ask. I’ve never used Johnny or Jack. But some people named John do use Jack. Even President John F. Kennedy used Jack. It’s a personal choice.
John and Jack are the same 4 letters. People probably wonder Why Jack is short for John? It turns out that back in the 11th century, the Normans would have pronounced "John" as "Jen." They also added "-kin" k.i.n. to the ends of names as nicknames. So Jen turned into Jenkin, which turned into Jakin, and finally into Jack. That’s how John sometimes became Jack.
A: Today, we will go over abbreviations for English given names. It’s easy to figure out, if someone’s name is Alexander, people usually call him Alex. But how did we get Bill from William?
J: There’s many theories, but the most obvious is that it was part of the trend back in the Middle Ages of letter swapping. William was also called Will, and it rhymes with Bill. That’s how William became Bill. That’s probably why Dick is a rhyming nickname for Rick, which came from Richard.
A: John이 얘기한 것 처럼 영어 이름의 어원은 여러가지 설이 있습니다. 정확히 말할 수는 없지만 William에서 Will, 중세시대에는 운율맞춰 철자를
바꿔쓰는 경우가 많아서 Will 이 Bill 로 그래서 William의 줄인 이름은 Bill이 됐다는 설도 있고, William이 게르만계 이름이 Whilelm빌헬름인데 독일어는 W발을을 V로 해서 William이 Bill로 불리게 됐다는 설도 있습니다. 독일소설 빌헬름 텔 기억하시죠? 아버지가 아들 머리위에 사과를 놓고 쏴야 했던 유명한 장면이 소설 빌헬름 텔에 나오는 얘기입니다. 여기서 빌헬름의 철자가 Whilelm 입니다.
A: John, do you have more examples of nick names?
J: Well, there’s Robert which became Bob. Robert, Rob, and Bob.
A: What about Charles?
J: Charles is Chuck. In Middle English, Charles was actually Chukken.
A: And why is Ted short for Edward?
J: Edward was a very popular name in Middle English. Ted was a very common name that required nicknames, just as Richard and William were popular names. The name Ed became Ted because people often added a consonant that was easy to pronounce. These days, Ted is short for Theodore. Remember, President Theodore Roosevelt was called Teddy, another name for Ted.
그럼, 여기서 지금까지 나온 영어이름들 줄여서 어떻게 부르는지 한번 짚고 가도록 하겠습니다. William 은 Bill, Richard, Dick, Charles, Chuck, Edward, Ted. 그리고 기억하셔야 할 것은 당사자가 줄인 이름을 좋아하지 않을 수 있으니까, 이름을 줄여서 부르고 싶으면 당사자의 의견을 먼저 물어 보시고 부르시기 바랍니다.
J: Before we go, let me just list some common nicknames.
Steph for Stephanie
Steve for Stephen
Ronald became Ron
Tim for Timothy
Thomas became Tom
For Joseph we hear Joe and Joey
Josh is short for Joshua
Katherine, is sometimes Kate or Kathy
Elizabeth, can be Liz, and even Beth
Daniel, becomes Dan
Matthew, is Matt
Mike for Michael
Samuel, Sam
Angela, Angie
Al for Albert
And James, is often Jim
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 영어 이름 애칭들 살펴봤습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John.
J: Thanks for having me.
A: Can I call you Johnny? or Jack? I just found out, sometimes people call John, Jack?
J: No, but it’s nice of you to ask. I’ve never used Johnny or Jack. But some people named John do use Jack. Even President John F. Kennedy used Jack. It’s a personal choice.
John and Jack are the same 4 letters. People probably wonder Why Jack is short for John? It turns out that back in the 11th century, the Normans would have pronounced "John" as "Jen." They also added "-kin" k.i.n. to the ends of names as nicknames. So Jen turned into Jenkin, which turned into Jakin, and finally into Jack. That’s how John sometimes became Jack.
A: Today, we will go over abbreviations for English given names. It’s easy to figure out, if someone’s name is Alexander, people usually call him Alex. But how did we get Bill from William?
J: There’s many theories, but the most obvious is that it was part of the trend back in the Middle Ages of letter swapping. William was also called Will, and it rhymes with Bill. That’s how William became Bill. That’s probably why Dick is a rhyming nickname for Rick, which came from Richard.
A: John이 얘기한 것 처럼 영어 이름의 어원은 여러가지 설이 있습니다. 정확히 말할 수는 없지만 William에서 Will, 중세시대에는 운율맞춰 철자를
바꿔쓰는 경우가 많아서 Will 이 Bill 로 그래서 William의 줄인 이름은 Bill이 됐다는 설도 있고, William이 게르만계 이름이 Whilelm빌헬름인데 독일어는 W발을을 V로 해서 William이 Bill로 불리게 됐다는 설도 있습니다. 독일소설 빌헬름 텔 기억하시죠? 아버지가 아들 머리위에 사과를 놓고 쏴야 했던 유명한 장면이 소설 빌헬름 텔에 나오는 얘기입니다. 여기서 빌헬름의 철자가 Whilelm 입니다.
A: John, do you have more examples of nick names?
J: Well, there’s Robert which became Bob. Robert, Rob, and Bob.
A: What about Charles?
J: Charles is Chuck. In Middle English, Charles was actually Chukken.
A: And why is Ted short for Edward?
J: Edward was a very popular name in Middle English. Ted was a very common name that required nicknames, just as Richard and William were popular names. The name Ed became Ted because people often added a consonant that was easy to pronounce. These days, Ted is short for Theodore. Remember, President Theodore Roosevelt was called Teddy, another name for Ted.
그럼, 여기서 지금까지 나온 영어이름들 줄여서 어떻게 부르는지 한번 짚고 가도록 하겠습니다. William 은 Bill, Richard, Dick, Charles, Chuck, Edward, Ted. 그리고 기억하셔야 할 것은 당사자가 줄인 이름을 좋아하지 않을 수 있으니까, 이름을 줄여서 부르고 싶으면 당사자의 의견을 먼저 물어 보시고 부르시기 바랍니다.
J: Before we go, let me just list some common nicknames.
Steph for Stephanie
Steve for Stephen
Ronald became Ron
Tim for Timothy
Thomas became Tom
For Joseph we hear Joe and Joey
Josh is short for Joshua
Katherine, is sometimes Kate or Kathy
Elizabeth, can be Liz, and even Beth
Daniel, becomes Dan
Matthew, is Matt
Mike for Michael
Samuel, Sam
Angela, Angie
Al for Albert
And James, is often Jim
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 영어 이름 애칭들 살펴봤습니다.