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[VOA 매일영어] 일부러 그런것 아닙니다. That was not on purpose.

[VOA 매일영어] 일부러 그런것 아닙니다. That was not on purpose.
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회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 일부러 그런것 아닙니다. 고의가 아니었어요. 이런 표현 영어로 어떻게 하는지 살펴보겠습니다.

회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 일부러 그런것 아닙니다. 고의가 아니었어요. 이런 표현 영어로 어떻게 하는지 살펴보겠습니다. 대화를 통해 들어보시죠.

A: Welcome to the show John!

J: Good to be here again.

A: Have you ever been in a position where you have to explain yourself because someone misunderstood your intention?

J: All the time.

A: What do you say first?

J: I might say “That was not my intention. That was not on purpose. Or “I didn’t do that on purpose. I did that by accident. I did that by mistake.

살다보면 이런저런 일이 일어나는데 어떤 일이 고의로 그런것이 아니라 어쩌다 그렇게 됐다는 말을 할때 on purpose 일부러, 고의로 라는 on purpose를 I didn’t do it내가 안했다 뒤에 붙이면 일부러 안했다라는 말이 됩니다. I didn’t do it on purpose. 고의가 아닙니다. That was not on purpose.

J: You can also say, I didn’t do that intentionally. I didn’t do it deliberately. I didn’t mean it that way.

또 어떤 일이 우연히 일어난 일이다라고 말하고 싶을 때는 by chance 를 쓰시면 됩니다. It just happened by chance.

J: Coincidence means: by chance. It happened by chance. It happened coincidently.

By chance는 우연히 라는 뜻이고 by any chance는 혹시 라는 뜻입니다. 질문할때 많이 쓰는 표현이죠? John, are you working tomorrow by any chance?

J: No. I’m off tomorrow. I have to pick up my friend from the airport. Do you know how to get to Reagan National Airport by any chance?

제가 John에게 내일 혹시 일하는지 물었고, John은 친구를 공항에 데리러 가야 해서 일을 안한다며 공항에 가는 길을 혹시 아는지 물었습니다. By any chance 혹시라는 것 기억하시고, 이번에는 pick up보겠습니다. Pick up은 물건을 집을 때도 pick up 그리고, 방금 들으신 것처럼 데리러 가다라는 뜻 도 있습니다. I have to pick up my friend from the airport. 공항에 친구를 데리러 가야 합니다. 다시 고의가 아니다 That was not on purpose. 표현으로 돌아가보죠. 고의가 아니였다는 표현을 할때 오해하지 말아달라는 표현도 같이 하게 되는 경우가 많죠. That was not on purpose. Don’t get me wrong. 오해하지 마세요. John, Is there any other way to say, “Don’t get me wrong.”?

J: Sure, you could say Don’t take this the wrong way. It’s the same as Don’t get me wrong. You can also say “Don’t misunderstand me.” But we don’t use that a lot. The expression Don’t get me wrong. is used more by native speakers. So if you want to speak like a native speaker, use Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes I notice that people learning English might use an expression that native speakers don’t really use that often in their daily lives, even if it’s correct. I mean it’s okay to use an expression that native speakers don’t use, but it’s more natural if you use expressions that they are familiar with.

A: Speaking of language, we say, “We’re speaking the same language.” when we’re in sync with each other. 말이 잘 통하네요. We are speaking the same language.라고 합니다. We are in sync with each other. You’re speaking my language. 당신과는 말이 통합니다. 대화를 나누다가 이제 말이 통하네요.라고 하고 싶으면 Now you’re talking.

J: There’s another. We’re on the same wavelength, or “We’re on the same page. Or even :I’m with you on that. And the opposite might be “We’re not in sync with each other. We are not speaking the same language, we’re not on the same page. You might even hear We are not seeing eye to eye on that.

다시 한번 정리해 보죠. 말이 잘 통하다.

We are speaking the same language.

We are in sync with each other.

We are on the same wavelength.

We are on the same page.

I’m with you on that

말이 잘 안 통하다.

We are not in sync.

We’re not speaking the same language.

We are not on the same page.

Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 고의가 아닙니다. That was not on purpose. 우리는 말이 잘 통하네요. We are speaking the same language. 우리는 말이 안 통합니다. We are not speaking the same language. 오해 마세요. Don’t get me wrong. 상대방의 오해를 풀어줄때 쓸수 있는 표현들 살펴봤습니다.