회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 기념일, 생일이나 어머니날, 집들이 등 기념일을 맞은 사람에게 축하의 말 어떤 표현이 있는지 살펴보겠습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John!
J: Good to be here.
A: It’s my birthday.
J: Oh, Happy Birthday!
A: No, it’s not really my birthday. In Korea, on someone’s birthday, we say congratulations!
J: That’s interesting! We don’t congratulate someone on their birthday. We say Happy Birthday! We might say congratulations at age 60 or 70, definitely 100. But I don’t hear congratulations on regular birthdays. We do say congratulations on their graduation or a new job. Like Congratulations on your graduation! Congratulations on your new job!
A: So, at work or accomplishments, you say congratulations, but birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day, you say Happy birthday! Happy mother’s day! Happy father’s day!
J: Yes. If I say happy birthday to you. It means I hope you have a happy wonderful birthday. Like when we say happy new year! This means I really want you to have a great new year.
A: What do you say when you wish someone happy birthday late?
J: If you missed someone’s birthday, and want to say happy birthday after their birthday, you can say “Happy belated birthday!”
A: Happy belated birthday! 늦었지만 생일 축하합니다. 생일이 지난 사람에게 할 수 있겠죠. 늦었지만 생일 축하해요. 여기서 belated 뒤늦은 이란 단어
기억하시기 바랍니다. 이번에는 집들이에 초대 받았을때 어떤 말을 해야 할까요?
A: So John, we say happy birthday, happy father’s day, happy mother’s day, what do I say to the host who’s inviting me for a housewarming party? I know I can say thanks for inviting me. But can I say Happy Housewarming?
J: Yes, you can say Congratulations on your new house, or happy housewarming!
A: 집들이 housewarming party라고 합니다. 영어에서 축하말은 congratulations와 happy로 나뉜다고 생각하시면 됩니다. Happy는 I wish you 나는 당신이 –하기를 빈다. – 하기를 바란다는 표현이니까, 생일이나 명절에 기원하는 말을 해주는 것으로 Happy birthday를 쓰시면 되고, 축하합니다. Congratulations는 어떤 일을 노력으로 이뤄냈을때, 승진이나 졸업이나 출산시 성공을 축하하는 뜻으로 Congratulations를 쓰시면 됩니다. 어떤 것에 대해 축하합니다. Congratulations on + 이벤트 입니다. Congratulations on your graduation! Congratulations on your promotion!
J: Congratulations on your newborn! Congratulations on your promotion! And If I want to add more feeling, I can say Wow, I’m happy for you. I’m happy for your accomplishment! Good for you.
A: Good for you. 잘됐네요.라는 표현입니다. 상대방에게 좋은 일이 생겼을때 축하해주는 표현으로 I’m happy for you. Good for you. 잘했네요. 라는 뜻 입니다. 그래서 정말 축하해요라는 표현은 영어로 하게되면 I’m so happy for you. 이렇게 말 할 수 있습니다. John, what do you say when you want to congratulate someone more sincerely?
J: You make up a sentence, and maybe use a dramatic sound or word like Wow! or Man!
A: Explain difference between, Good for you and It’s good for you.
J: Good for you. We use the expression good for you, when somebody did a good job or just got lucky. But it’s somewhat informal, and usually for someone younger, or for children. If we say It’s good for you, that’s different. It’s really saying THAT’S good for you, that’s good for your health.
A: Right, I say that to my son, when he doesn’t want to eat vegetables, I say, it’s good for you. Eat your vegetables.
J: Good for you.
A: John이 내가 아들에게 채소가 몸에 좋다. It’s good for you. Eat your vegetables son. 아들아 야채 먹어라라고 말했다고 했더니 Good for you.잘했네요. 라고 말한거죠.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 축하표현으로 Happy Birthday. 그리고 Congratulations on + 이벤트 congratulations on 졸업식, 승진 Congratulations on your graduation! Congratulations on your promotion! Happy 와 congratulations로 상대방에게 축하의 말 전할 수 있다는 것 알아봤습니다.
A: Welcome to the show John!
J: Good to be here.
A: It’s my birthday.
J: Oh, Happy Birthday!
A: No, it’s not really my birthday. In Korea, on someone’s birthday, we say congratulations!
J: That’s interesting! We don’t congratulate someone on their birthday. We say Happy Birthday! We might say congratulations at age 60 or 70, definitely 100. But I don’t hear congratulations on regular birthdays. We do say congratulations on their graduation or a new job. Like Congratulations on your graduation! Congratulations on your new job!
A: So, at work or accomplishments, you say congratulations, but birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day, you say Happy birthday! Happy mother’s day! Happy father’s day!
J: Yes. If I say happy birthday to you. It means I hope you have a happy wonderful birthday. Like when we say happy new year! This means I really want you to have a great new year.
A: What do you say when you wish someone happy birthday late?
J: If you missed someone’s birthday, and want to say happy birthday after their birthday, you can say “Happy belated birthday!”
A: Happy belated birthday! 늦었지만 생일 축하합니다. 생일이 지난 사람에게 할 수 있겠죠. 늦었지만 생일 축하해요. 여기서 belated 뒤늦은 이란 단어
기억하시기 바랍니다. 이번에는 집들이에 초대 받았을때 어떤 말을 해야 할까요?
A: So John, we say happy birthday, happy father’s day, happy mother’s day, what do I say to the host who’s inviting me for a housewarming party? I know I can say thanks for inviting me. But can I say Happy Housewarming?
J: Yes, you can say Congratulations on your new house, or happy housewarming!
A: 집들이 housewarming party라고 합니다. 영어에서 축하말은 congratulations와 happy로 나뉜다고 생각하시면 됩니다. Happy는 I wish you 나는 당신이 –하기를 빈다. – 하기를 바란다는 표현이니까, 생일이나 명절에 기원하는 말을 해주는 것으로 Happy birthday를 쓰시면 되고, 축하합니다. Congratulations는 어떤 일을 노력으로 이뤄냈을때, 승진이나 졸업이나 출산시 성공을 축하하는 뜻으로 Congratulations를 쓰시면 됩니다. 어떤 것에 대해 축하합니다. Congratulations on + 이벤트 입니다. Congratulations on your graduation! Congratulations on your promotion!
J: Congratulations on your newborn! Congratulations on your promotion! And If I want to add more feeling, I can say Wow, I’m happy for you. I’m happy for your accomplishment! Good for you.
A: Good for you. 잘됐네요.라는 표현입니다. 상대방에게 좋은 일이 생겼을때 축하해주는 표현으로 I’m happy for you. Good for you. 잘했네요. 라는 뜻 입니다. 그래서 정말 축하해요라는 표현은 영어로 하게되면 I’m so happy for you. 이렇게 말 할 수 있습니다. John, what do you say when you want to congratulate someone more sincerely?
J: You make up a sentence, and maybe use a dramatic sound or word like Wow! or Man!
A: Explain difference between, Good for you and It’s good for you.
J: Good for you. We use the expression good for you, when somebody did a good job or just got lucky. But it’s somewhat informal, and usually for someone younger, or for children. If we say It’s good for you, that’s different. It’s really saying THAT’S good for you, that’s good for your health.
A: Right, I say that to my son, when he doesn’t want to eat vegetables, I say, it’s good for you. Eat your vegetables.
J: Good for you.
A: John이 내가 아들에게 채소가 몸에 좋다. It’s good for you. Eat your vegetables son. 아들아 야채 먹어라라고 말했다고 했더니 Good for you.잘했네요. 라고 말한거죠.
Everyday English VOA 매일영어 오늘은 축하표현으로 Happy Birthday. 그리고 Congratulations on + 이벤트 congratulations on 졸업식, 승진 Congratulations on your graduation! Congratulations on your promotion! Happy 와 congratulations로 상대방에게 축하의 말 전할 수 있다는 것 알아봤습니다.