中国国防部的一份声明说,这艘尚未命名的航母星期天早晨离开了大连港。The still-unnamed ship left the northern port of Dalian early Sunday to "test the reliability and stability of its propulsion and other system,'' the Defense Ministry said in a statement.
川普总统星期五宣布,美国将不再受那些强迫美国制药公司把药品价格压到不合理的低水平的国家的“欺骗”。America will not be “cheated” by foreign countries that “extort” unreasonably low drug prices from U.S. companies, declared President Donald Trump on Friday.
白宫一名官员对麦凯恩参议员对川普总统的中情局长人选的反对不屑一顾,说:“这无关紧要。反正他将不久于人世。”81岁的共和党籍参议员麦凯恩来自亚利桑纳州,正在同脑癌作斗争。A White House official has dismissed Senator John McCain's opposition to President Donald Trump's pick to head the CIA, saying "It doesn't matter, he's dying anyway." The 81-year-old Republican senator from Arizona is battling brain cancer.
美国总统川普、副总统彭斯和其他一些人星期四早晨在华盛顿近郊的安德鲁斯联合基地迎接了被朝鲜关押刚获得释放的3名美国公民。U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence were among those who gathered to greet three Americans freed from detention in North Korea as they arrived early Thursday at Joint Base Andrews just outside of Washington.
美国总统川普星期二正式宣布退出与伊朗签署的多国协议,批评这项协议是“糟糕的只对一方有利的协议,原本就不该签署”。U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday formally renounced the multinational nuclear agreement with Iran, decrying it as "a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made."
川普总统说,他星期二将宣布是否让美国退出有关伊朗核项目的国际协议并对其重新实施制裁。President Donald Trump says he will announce Tuesday whether he will pull the United States out of the international nuclear deal with Iran and re-impose sanctions.
自1999年以来一直担任俄罗斯总统或总理的普京星期一在克里姆林宫的装饰华丽的安德列耶夫斯基大厅宣誓就任,这是他第四次担任总统。Vladimir Putin, who has been either president or prime minister of Russia since 1999, was sworn in for a fourth term as president Monday at the Grand Kremlin Palace's ornately-decorated Andreyevsky Hall.
一些俄罗斯事务专家说,克里姆林宫针对从同性恋权益到政治活动的所有领域实施的严厉政策仍然在不断强化,导致大批俄罗斯人前往欧洲和美国寻求庇护。A toughening of already draconian Kremlin policy on everything from gay rights to political activism are driving a record-high number of Russians to seek asylum in Europe and the United States, according to multiple Russia experts.
美国官员描述说,中国在非洲一个美军基地附近危险和不负责任地使用了激光。对此,美国表示一定要让中国承担责任。The United States is promising to hold China to account for what officials describe as a dangerous and reckless use of lasers near a U.S. military base in Africa.
这个星期四是世界新闻自由日。一些倡导新闻自由的组织呼吁关注美国媒体工作者面临的挑战。With the observation of World Press Freedom Day on Thursday, a group of press freedom organizations is calling attention to challenges faced by journalists in the United States.
世界卫生组织说,世界上90%的人呼吸着污染空气,室内污染是一个通常不为人所注意的大问题。Nine out of 10 people on the planet are breathing polluted air, the World Health Organization says, with indoor pollution a major and generally unrecognized problem.
美国总统川普周一在白宫迎接尼日利亚总统布哈里,试图重启与非洲的关系。U.S. President Donald Trump attempted to reset his relationship with Africa on Monday, as he hosted Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari.
美国总统川普周一提议,与朝鲜领导人金正恩的会晤在韩朝之间的非军事区举行。U.S. President Donald Trump suggested Monday that a planned meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un be held in the Demilitarized zone between the North and South Korea.
美国总统川普星期五在和德国总理默克尔举行的记者会上说,即使防止伊朗获得核武的协议失效,也不许伊朗建立核武库。Standing alongside Germany's chancellor, U.S. President Donald Trump emphasized on Friday that Iran will not be permitted to build a nuclear arsenal, even if a deal intended to prevent that scenario collapses.
随着国会调查有关白宫医生罗尼·杰克逊(Ronny Jackson)专业行为失当和酗酒的举报,被川普提名为美国退伍军人事务部部长的杰克逊周四宣布放弃提名。The White House physician, Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, dropped his bid Thursday to head the country's Veterans Affairs agency as lawmakers probed allegations of professional misconduct and excessive drinking.
国际社会已经承诺今年为叙利亚以及周边收容叙利亚难民的国家捐赠44亿美元的人道救援资金。International donors have pledged $4.4 billion dollars in humanitarian aid for Syria and neighboring countries that have sheltered refugees this year.
川普总统星期二誓言要努力寻找与法国的共同点,联合应对伊朗。不过,川普总统没有承诺会继续留在伊核协议内。他此前称这项协议是一个“疯狂”、“荒谬”的协议。President Trump vowed on Tuesday to look for common ground with his French counterpart in dealing with Iran but made no commitment to stick with the nuclear agreement he described as "insane" and "ridiculous."
美国总统川普星期二在白宫为来访的法国总统马克龙正式举办欢迎仪式,两位领导人正式会谈后,川普总统为马克龙总统举行国宴。U.S. President Donald Trump officially welcomes French President Emmanuel Macron with an arrival ceremony Tuesday at the White House before the leaders hold official talks and attend a state dinner.
前纽约市长布隆伯格星期天宣布,他将向《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书处捐款450万美元,弥补美国退出巴黎协定而导致的资金缺口。Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced Sunday he is giving $4.5 million to the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat to cover a U.S. government funding gap for the international Paris climate accord.
美国东南部佛罗里达州的一名高中生星期五开枪打伤了一名同学。同一天,全美各地学生走出教室,纪念近20年前发生的一起高中屠杀案的周年日。A high school student in the southeastern U.S. state of Florida shot and wounded a classmate Friday, the same day thousands of students across the country walked out of class to mark a high school massacre that occurred nearly two decades ago.
俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫说,普京总统愿意接受川普总统提出的在华盛顿会面的邀请。Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that President Vladimir Putin is willing to accept U.S. President Donald Trump’s invitation to meet in Washington.
长期担任劳尔·卡斯特罗副手的米盖尔·迪亚斯-卡内尔星期四将成为古巴新国务委员会主席。这将是近60年来第一次由卡斯特罗家族以外的人担任总统。A longtime deputy of Raul Castro is set to become Cuba's new president Thursday, becoming the country's first president outside the Castro family in nearly 60 years.
多家媒体报道,美国中央情报局局长蓬佩奥曾访问朝鲜,并与朝鲜领导人金正恩秘密会谈。CIA director Mike Pompeo traveled to Pyongyang for a secret meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, according to multiple media reports.
美国总统川普星期二开始与日本首相安倍晋三进行两天的会谈。白宫说,会谈将“非常积极”。U.S. President Donald Trump hosts Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe beginning Tuesday for two days of talks the White House says it expects to "be very positive."
韩国前总统朴槿惠不准备对她24年徒刑的判决提出上诉。South Korea's former president has decided not to appeal her 24-year prison sentence.