以色列总理内塔尼亚胡星期一在耶路撒冷为到访的美国副总统彭斯举行欢迎仪式。以色列是彭斯四天中东之行的最后一站。Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed U.S. Vice President Mike Pence with a ceremony Monday in Jerusalem, as Pence made his latest stop on a four-day tour of the Middle East.
为美国联邦政府拨款的临时预算法案星期五未能在参议院通过,美国政府从星期六凌晨开始部分关闭。预算权限于华盛顿时间星期五午夜到期,非必要部门随即关闭。A partial shutdown of the U.S. government commenced early Saturday after a funding bill was blocked in the Senate. Spending authority expired at midnight Washington time, triggering a halt of non-essential functions.
美国当局正在调查津巴布韦反对派高级领导人贝尼特在直升机坠毁中身亡的事件。一同遇难的还有贝尼特的妻子以及其他三人。U.S. authorities are investigating a helicopter crash which killed Senior Zimbabwe opposition leader Roy Bennett, his wife and three others.
津巴布韦总统埃默森·姆南加古瓦表示,津巴布韦将于4到5个月内举行长期统治者穆加贝下台后的首次总统选举。President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe says the country will hold elections in four to five months, the first since the ouster of longtime ruler Robert Mugabe.
自从西班牙政府对独立公投做出反应,解散了加泰罗尼亚议会并下令举行新选举以来,加泰罗尼亚地区的议会星期三第一次开会。The parliament in Spain's Catalonia region is set to meet for the first time Wednesday since the country's central government dissolved the body and ordered new elections in response to an independence referendum.
警察在洛杉矶东部逮捕两人。警察震惊地发现这两人的12个子女被关在家中,条件肮脏恶劣。Two people are under arrest east of Los Angeles after police were shocked and sickened to find 12 of their children allegedly held captive in their home in filthy conditions.
韩国和朝鲜的代表团星期一会见,最后商定朝鲜向韩国下个月举办的冬季奥运会派出一个表演艺术团的问题。Delegations from the two Koreas met Monday to hammer out details about the North sending a troupe of artistic performers to next month's Winter Olympics in the South.
美国一项新的民意调查显示,大多数美国人不希望电视明星奥普拉·温弗瑞竞选总统,但是如果她真的参选,她可能会击败现任总统川普。A new poll shows that a majority of Americans do not want to see television star Oprah Winfrey run for president, although if she did run, the poll indicates that she could beat President Donald Trump.
川普总统星期四表示,他与朝鲜领导人金正恩关系良好,尽管两人最近为谁的办公桌上有更大的发射核武器按钮大打口水仗。President Donald Trump suggested Tuesday he is on very good terms with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un despite their recent debate over whose desk has a bigger nuclear button.
纽约市在两条战线向矿物燃料产业开战。New York City is making a move against the fossil fuel industry on two fronts.
一位美国联邦法官星期二裁定,川普行政当局必须暂时维持一个保护童年时非法进入美国的数十万人不受遣返的计划。A U.S. federal judge on Tuesday ordered the Trump administration to keep in place for now a program that protects from deportation hundreds of thousands of immigrants who entered the country illegally when they were children.
在星期一提起的集体诉讼中,两名谷歌公司前雇员指控高科技巨头谷歌公司歧视保守的白人。Two former employees of Google have accused the tech giant of discriminating against conservative white men, in a class action lawsuit filed Monday.
星期天晚上金球奖颁奖仪式的红地毯上是一片黑色的海洋。很多女士响应“时间已到”组织的呼呼,服装上都有黑色。The Golden Globes was a sea of black on the red carpet Sunday night as women attending wore the color in solidarity with the advocacy group Time's Up......
社交媒体公司推特再次强调其立场,世界领导人的推特账户有特殊地位,抵制一些用户希望推特公司关闭美国总统川普的账户的要求。Social media giant Twitter has reiterated its stance that accounts belonging to world leaders have special status, pushing back against calls from some users for the company to ban U.S. President Donald Trump.
美国宣布切断向巴基斯坦提供安全援助的同时,国务院将巴基斯坦列入“严重侵犯宗教自由”的“特别观察名单”。The U.S. State Department has placed Pakistan on a “Special Watch List” for "severe violations of religious freedom," at the same time it announced cuts to security assistance to that country.
来自大西洋的一场特大风暴“炸弹气旋”星期四横扫美国东海岸地区,多达4千万人将深受影响。Forty-million people along the U.S. East Coast are bracing themselves for what weather forecasters are calling a "bomb cyclone" - a massive winter storm blowing through the Atlantic Ocean.
韩国说,朝鲜计划星期三恢复双方的边界交流渠道。South Korea says North Korea is planning to restore a cross-border communications channel Wednesday.
伊朗国家电视台星期二说,在彻夜的反政府示威中,又有9人被打死。自从上星期伊朗开始发生抗议经济状况的示威以来,丧生人数已超过20人。Iranian state television said Tuesday another nine people were killed overnight during anti-government protests, raising the overall death toll to more than 20 killed since the demonstrations against economic conditions in the country began late last week.
纽约数以千计的人不畏严寒在时报广场庆祝2018年的来临。纽约一年一度的迎接新年庆典活动可追溯到1904年。Thousands braved a frigid New York night to celebrate the start of 2018 in Times Square, an annual celebration that dates back to 1904.
寒冷的天气笼罩了美国中部和东部地区,并将一直维持到新年。Bitter cold weather has blanketed the Central and Eastern United States and it will stay in place for days into the new year.
俄罗斯总统普京说,圣彼得堡星期三的爆炸事件是恐怖主义行为。Russian President Vladimir Putin says an explosion in St. Petersburg Wednesday was an act of terrorism.
一位被指控犯有数以千计罪行而被通缉的前哥伦比亚武装头目星期二从美国引渡会哥伦比亚。A former Colombian paramilitary chief who is wanted for thousands of crimes was extradited back to Colombia from the United States Tuesday.
星期二,利比里亚人参加总统选举决选投票。两位候选人一个是前世界足球先生、民主变革大会候选人乔治·维阿,另一个是团结党候选人、现任副总统约瑟夫·博阿凯。Polls are open in Liberia Tuesday, as voters choose between former soccer star George Weah and Vice President Joseph Boakai to replace President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
秘鲁总统库琴斯基批准秘鲁前威权领导人藤森保外就医。藤森因践踏人权和腐败被判刑25年。Peru's president has granted a medical pardon to jailed former authoritarian leader Alberto Fujimori, who was serving a 25-year sentence for human rights abuses and corruption.
主张独立的政党在西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区的选举中赢得占绝对多数的席位,给拉霍伊首相的政府一个重大打击。Pro-Independence Parties Win Majority in Catalonia Elections, Dealing Blow to Madrid