
中国时间 1:50 2025年3月4日 星期二


بھارت کی ریلوے نے مختلف ریاستوں میں آکسیجن پہنچانے کے لیے خصوصی ٹرینیں چلائی ہیں۔
بھارت کی ریلوے نے مختلف ریاستوں میں آکسیجن پہنچانے کے لیے خصوصی ٹرینیں چلائی ہیں۔








"Bomb cyclone" affecting forty-million people along the U.S. East Coast

Forty-million people along the U.S. East Coast are bracing themselves for what weather forecasters are calling a "bomb cyclone" - a massive winter storm blowing through the Atlantic Ocean.

The brutal winter weather has already brought snow to the southeastern United States, which is not used to dealing with wintry conditions.

The approaching storm could dump more than 20 centimeters of snow on Boston, Massachusetts where schools are closed Thursday.

"Our prime focus will be cleaning sidewalks and main arteries, roadways and responding to public safety requests... and responding to people who call in... as we move forward I'm asking people to be patient, " Boston mayor, Marty Walsh said.

The frigid conditions already gripping a large swath of the United States will get a jolt from the storm, which is expected to bring hurricane-force winds to the New England coast and into Canada.

Forecasters say much of the country can expect another wave of dangerously-cold weather later this week before temperatures moderate.






Australia Gives Green Light to Exports of Medicinal Cannabis

Just one year after legalizing the use of medical marijuana, the Australian government will allow domestic growers to export their crops.

Health Minister Greg Hunt said Thursday the government wants Australia to enter the emerging global market for medical marijuana with the goal of becoming "the world's number one exporter of medicinal cannabis."

Several countries, including Canada and Israel, as well as more than half of the 50 U.S. states, have legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal reasons, due to the growing acceptance of its therapeutic benefits, such as managing chronic pain. A U.S.-based research firm has forecast the global medical marijuana market will reach nearly $56 billion by 2025.

Hunt says allowing domestic farmers and producers of medicinal cannabis to export their products will ensure an robust supply of medicinal cannabis products for the Australian medical community.