All ears 洗耳恭听,全神贯注地听。Tell me about your date with Philip. I’m all ears. 你跟Philip约会怎么样啊?快说给我听听。We take customer complaints seriously. Please tell me what happened. I’m all ears. 我们很重视顾客投诉,请您讲讲是怎么回事,我洗耳恭听。
Crawl/come out of the woodwork 不想见到的人(像缝隙里的虫子一样)突然间不知道从哪里冒了出来,带有贬义。Jack was a loner in high school. Now that he has won the lottery, all sorts of high school “buddies” crawled out of the woodwork. Jack高中时一直独来独往,没什么朋友,如今他中了乐透大奖,各路高中“密友”突然间不知道从哪里冒了出来。
Wires crossed 产生误会,误解。原来的电话,如果接线员搭错线,电话就会串线,叫 crossed wires. Somehow we got our wires crossed. I thought the rehearsal was today, but Jim marked tomorrow on his calendar. 我们不知怎么会错了意,我以为预演是今天,Jim日历上记的却是明天。
Canary in a coal mine 矿井中的金丝雀,指危险的先兆。金丝雀对有害气体的敏感度超过人体,所以金丝雀就成了矿工们的警报器,矿工下井带着金丝雀,如果金丝雀暴毙,就说明井下有危险气体,需要立即逃生。Wildlife in disaster movies often play the role of the canary in a coal mine by acting crazy when danger is present. 灾难片里的野生动物经常扮演矿井里金丝雀的角色,出现危险时做出疯狂的表现。
The jury is still out. 原意是陪审团还没有回到法庭,也就是说他们还在闭门讨论,尚未达成被告有罪与否的决定,引申为某事尚无定论。The jury is still out on who is going to be our new boss. I heard there are quite a few good candidates. 谁会成为咱们的新上司还没定,我听说有很多不错的人选。
Play it by ear. 见机行事。I didn't have time to prepare for the job interview. I will have to play it by ear. 我没时间为面试做准备,只好见机行事了。He is a spur-of-the-moment kind of guy. He never has plans and plays everything by ear. 他干事喜欢心血来潮,从无计划,随机应变。
Taste of one’s own medicine. 体会自己的行为给别人带来的感受。He was a troublemaker as a teenager. Now that his son has reached the rebellious age, he will get a taste of his own medicine. 他十几岁时是个捣蛋鬼,现在儿子到了反叛年龄,他可以体验一下当年父母的感受了。
Mom-and-pop小型,独立,一般是家庭经营的店铺。A mom-and-pop store. A mom-and-pop restaurant. The mom-and-pop restaurant around the corner was our favorite place to hang out in our high school years. 上高中那会儿,街角的小吃店是我们最喜欢待的地方。
In one's blood 与生俱来的。Both of her parents are musicians. Music is in her blood. 她父母都是搞音乐的,她天生就有音乐的基因。
Grasping at straws 抓住救命稻草。这个词组源于溺水的人为了求生,哪怕是稻草这样的漂浮物也想抓住,意思是想尽任何办法摆脱绝望的境地。You're grasping at straws if you think you can pass that exam by starting to study the night before. 要是你认为在考试前一天的晚上开始念书就能通过考试的话,那你就是想捞救命稻草。
Come full circle (中途经过种种变化)兜了一圈回到原点。Things have come full circle now that skinny jeans are back in fashion. 转了一圈,紧身牛仔裤再次回归时尚。
Drop the ball. 犯错误,把事情搞砸,关键时刻掉链子。This is the opportunity I have been waiting for. I can't drop the ball on it. 这是我等待已久的机会,绝对不能失误。
Hit the spot 恰到好处,爽。A cold beer on a hot summer day really hits the spot. 夏天来瓶冰啤酒,爽。A cup of hot chocolate on a winter morning hits the spot. 冬天早上喝杯热巧克力感觉超好。That was the best apple pie I've ever had. It hit the spot. 这是我吃过最棒的苹果派,太好吃了。
Weasel out of something 推诿,逃避做某事(尤其是指借助不诚实的手段或借口)。I don’t feel like doing anything this weekend, but I promised Jenny to go to her party. How do I weasel out of it? 我这个周末什么也不想干,可是我已经答应Jenny 去参加她的派对了。我怎样才能推掉呢?
Let it slide 意思是对某事采取放任的态度,不去管它。He was caught speeding, but since it was his first time, the policeman let it slide. 他被抓住超速,但是因为是初犯,所以警察放了他一马。
Cut from the same cloth 意思是非常相似,在相貌、性格和兴趣上有很多相同之处,一个模子里刻出来的。He is a carbon copy of his father. They even sound the same on the phone. They are cut from the same cloth. 他长得跟他爸一模一样,电话上听上去就是一个人,他们真是一个模子里刻出来的。
Buckle down 开始认真做某件事。You need to buckle down and prepare for your SAT exam. 你得踏下心来,全力以赴准备SAT考试了。
Domino effect 多米诺骨牌效应,连锁反应。Experts say Catalonian independence could cause a domino effect around the world. 有关专家说,加泰罗尼亚的独立可能会在全球引起多米诺骨牌效应。
Night owl 夜猫子。相反的,习惯早起的人是 morning person. PM person vs. AM person 也是同样的意思。Mike is a night owl while his wife is a morning person. I don’t know how they manage it. Mike是个夜猫子,他太太喜欢早起,正不知道他们是怎么过的。
Right as rain 身体无恙,状况良好。My mom had a minor surgery and stayed in bed for two weeks. She woke up this morning feeling right as rain. 我妈做了个小手术,卧床休息了两个星期,今天早上起来感觉一点问题都没有了。
Shell out 花一大笔钱。He shelled out $2000 for the Super Bowl ticket. 他买超级碗的球票花了两千刀。I don't want to shell out a fortune and send my kids to private schools. 我不愿意花那么多钱送孩子去私立学校。
Luck of the draw 撞大运。 He was paired against the best player in the first round. It was just the luck of the draw. 他第一轮就要面对最棒的选手,真是运气不好。
It takes two to tango. 一个巴掌拍不响,孤掌难鸣。It is hard to blame it on either one of them. It takes two to tango after all. 很难说这到底是他们两个人谁的不是,毕竟一个巴掌拍不响。
Boxed in/into a corner 这个短语是从拳击来的,被逼到角落,意思是陷入绝境,没有出路。My two best friends had a fight, and I was forced to choose side. I was boxed into a corner. 我两个最要好的朋友闹别扭,我被迫在他俩之间做出选择,我真是没办法了。