联合国安理会星期四“强烈谴责”朝鲜最近进行的弹道导弹试射,指责平壤“极大地加剧了该地区及地区以外的紧张局势”。 The U.N. Security Council on Thursday "strongly condemned" the most recent ballistic missile test by North Korea, blaming Pyongyang for "greatly increasing tension in the region and beyond."
中国外交部表示,国际刑警组织星期三发出逮捕中国亿万富豪郭文贵的“红色通报”,但是没有给出他所涉犯罪的具体内容。The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Interpol issued a "red notice" Wednesday for the arrest of billionaire and Communist Party critic Guo Wengui but gave no details of his alleged crimes.
川普政府近日对朝鲜明确表明了一种更加严厉的策略,表示在长期遏制朝鲜核野心方面,对平壤毫不妥协的态度已经失去耐心。The Trump administration has articulated a tougher approach toward North Korea in recent days, saying it has lost patience with Pyongyang's intransigence in the face of long-standing demands to curb its nuclear ambitions.
川普总统很快将迎来执政100天,他的公众民调支持率持续徘徊在百分之40,这对于刚上任的美国总统来说是低分。Donald Trump is fast closing in on his first 100 days in office, and his public approval rating continues to hover at around 40 percent, still a low mark for a new U.S.
按照反叛武装和叙利亚政府达成的一项协议,叙利亚四个被围困城镇的平民和反叛武装人员开始有组织的疏散撤离。Civilians and rebels in four besieged Syrian towns have begun a coordinated evacuation in a deal struck by rebels and the Syrian government.
俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫星期三说,俄罗斯政府对他所说的美国总统川普新政府的含糊不清和矛盾的想法有很多疑问。Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday that his government has had a lot of questions about what he said were ambiguous and contradictory ideas coming from the new administration of U.S. President Donald Trump.
白宫星期一明确表示,美国认为叙利亚总统阿萨德无法继续长期执政。The White House on Monday made clear it sees no way that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad can stay in power for the long term.
美国司法部周四表示,已经从国会创建的基金中支付了8亿多美元,用于赔偿过去数十年来在国际恐怖主义行为中受害的数千名美国人。The U.S. Department of Justice said Thursday that it has paid out more than $800 million from a Congressionally-created fund to compensate thousands of American victims of international terrorist acts dating back decades.
美国国务院星期三宣布,国务卿蒂勒森将于下周在意大利出席七国集团外长会议后前往俄罗斯访问。U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will travel to Russia after attending the G-7 Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Italy next week, the State Department announced Wednesday.
巴基斯坦东部发生自杀炸弹袭击,至少六人丧生,其中包括几名军人。A suicide bomber has killed at least six people in eastern Pakistan, including several soldiers.
国际文传电讯社报道,俄罗斯当局已经确认一名在圣彼得堡星期一发生的地铁致命爆炸袭击中的嫌疑人。Russian authorities have identified a suspect in Monday's deadly subway bombing in St. Petersburg, the Interfax news agency reports.
以色列安全内阁批准了25年来在约旦河西岸首个新的犹太定居点,并同时与美国就未来的计划进行会谈。Israel's security cabinet has approved the country's first new Jewish settlement in the West Bank in 25 years, while it holds talks with the U.S. on future activity.
在美国国务院长期工作的一名雇员被捕,并因没有如实向调查人员报告她从中国情报人员那里得到的一些联系人信息和礼物而受到起诉。美国司法部说,坎戴斯·玛丽·克莱本在联邦法官面前做出无罪申辩。A long-time U.S. State Department employee has been arrested and charged with lying to investigators about numerous contacts and gifts she got from Chinese intelligence agents. The Justice Department says Candace Marie Claiborne pleaded not guilty before a federal judge.
美国国会众议院的共和党议员表示将继续努力全面改革医保体系。共和党废除和取代前总统奥巴马任内推出的平价医保的努力上星期出人意料地失败。Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are signaling a commitment to continue trying to overhaul the nation's health care system......
土耳其流行音乐歌星阿提拉·塔斯和另外28人,其中大多数是新闻记者,在伊斯坦布尔因恐怖主义指控受审,罪名是涉嫌和参与了去年未遂政变的一位美国穆斯林牧师有关联。Turkish pop star Atilla Tas and 28 others, most of them journalists, are being tried in Istanbul on terrorism charges over alleged links to a U.S.-based Muslim cleric blamed for last year's failed coup attempt in Turkey.
韩国检察官决定提请法庭颁发对被罢黜的朴槿惠总统的逮捕令,朴槿惠因腐败丑闻被免职。据韩联社报道,检察官是星期一提请颁发逮捕令的。South Korean prosecutors have decided to ask for an arrest warrant for ousted President Park Geun-hye in the corruption scandal that has forced her from office. Yonhap news agency reported that prosecutors requested the warrant Monday.
英国首相特蕾莎·梅在伦敦的英国议会附近发生袭击后态度坚定,鼓励人们星期四像往常一样活动。这次袭击造成4人死亡,大约40人受伤。British Prime Minister Theresa May struck a defiant tone after an attacker killed four people and injured about 40 others near Britain's Parliament in London, saying people should go about their business as usual Thursday.
美国国务卿蒂勒森因决定不参加下月的北约外长会议,但宣布四月底出访俄罗斯而遭受批评。U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has come under fire for a decision not to attend next month's NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels, and for an announcement that he will travel to Russia later in April.
美国联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米反驳了川普总统提出的前总统奥巴马在去年总统大选投票前几个星期对他进行窃听的爆炸性说法。FBI Director James Comey has debunked President Donald Trump's explosive claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him in the weeks before last year's presidential election.
观察组织说,一名24岁的藏人星期六在中国四川省西南部一个寺院外自焚。当地居住着大量抗议中国对西藏政策的藏人。Monitors say a 24-year-old Tibetan man set himself on fire Saturday outside a monastery in China's southwestern Sichuan province, a region heavily populated by ethnic Tibetans who protest China's policies in their nearby homeland.
土耳其外交部长恰武什奥卢对马克·鲁特再次当选荷兰总理作出回应,他警告说,“宗教战争”正来到欧洲。Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is warning of “religious wars” coming to Europe in response to the re-election of Mark Rutte as Dutch Prime Minister.
荷兰选举的初步计票结果表明,首相马克·鲁特的政党赢得了议会中最多的席位,以超过预期的多数票击败了反移民,反伊斯兰的民粹主义者吉尔特·威尔德斯。Early results from the Netherlands election say Prime Minister Mark Rutte's party has won the most seats in parliament, defeating that of anti-immigrant, anti-Islam nationalist Geert Wilders by a larger margin than expected.
美国国务卿蒂勒森星期三访问日本,作为他三国之行的第一站。他此行希望安抚盟友,并讨论对抗来自朝鲜的核武器及导弹威胁的方法。U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson begins a three-nation trip Wednesday in Japan as he seeks to reassure allies and discuss ways to counter nuclear and missile threats from North Korea.
苏格兰首席部长星期一宣布,她计划为举行新的独立公投开始法律程序,这使得苏格兰离脱离英国更近一步。Scotland’s first minister took a step closer Monday to breaking up the United Kingdom by announcing she intends to begin the legal process of holding a new independence referendum for Scots.
法国陷入困境的保守派总统候选人菲永为他的政党在推特上发表反犹太人漫画攻击竞选对手马克龙而表示道歉。France's troubled conservative presidential candidate Francois Fillon has apologized for his party's anti-Semitic tweet of rival Emmanuel Macron.