美国总统川普签署政令,允许空军让多达1000名退役飞行员再次服现役,以解决飞行员短缺的问题。U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order that will allow the Air Force to bring back to active duty as many as 1,000 retired pilots to address a pilot shortage.
一项新的研究显示,污染是现在世界上的第一大杀手,比战争、恐怖主义、自然灾害、吸烟和疾病都造成更多的早死。Pollution is the world's No. 1 killer, a new study says, causing more premature deaths than war, terrorism, natural disasters, cigarettes and disease.
澳大利亚一项标准更严格的公民法案星期三未能在参议院通过。澳大利亚随后政府表示,将降低对英文能力的要求,以换取保留其他更严格的移民标准。After a more stringent citizenship bill failed in the Senate Wednesday, the Australian government says it will lower its standard for English language skills in a trade-off for other, tougher citizenship legislation.
数万人星期二晚上在巴塞罗纳举行抗议,反对西班牙政府监禁两名加泰罗尼亚分离派领袖。Tens of thousands of people protested Tuesday night in Barcelona against the Spanish government's detention of two Catalan separatist leaders.
五角大楼说,美国对也门贝达地区两处伊斯兰国营地的空袭打死了数十名伊斯兰国武装分子。The Pentagon says U.S. airstrikes on two Islamic State training camps in Yemen's al-Bayda region have killed dozens of Islamic State fighters.
被阿富汗塔利班扣押了5年的分别是美国籍和加拿大籍的夫妇带着他们三个孩子从巴基斯坦乘飞机转道英国飞抵加拿大。An American-Canadian couple and their three children arrived in Canada after five years in Taliban captivity in Afghanistan. The family flew Friday from Pakistan to Canada via Britain.
美国总统川普预计星期五将宣布,不再支持伊核协议,但是不会彻底废除协议。川普总统将宣布美国对伊朗的新策略。U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to withdraw his support for the Iran nuclear agreement Friday, but stop short of completely scrapping the deal. The U.S. leader is due to lay out a new strategy.
巴勒斯坦的哈马斯派系说,它同对立派系法塔赫达成了政治和解的协议。The Palestinian Hamas faction says it has reached a deal with its rival Fatah over its political reconciliation.
美国总统川普预计很快将宣布,他不认为伊朗遵守了2015年签订的伊核协议。依照法律,川普总统必须在10月15号之前做出决定,但是白宫消息来源说,总统很可能更早宣布决定。President Donald Trump is expected to announce within days that he will no longer certify Iran’s compliance with the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement.By law, the president has until October 15th to decide, but White House sources say it may come sooner.
西班牙加泰罗尼亚的领导人星期二将在地区议会讲话。与此同时,马德里的西班牙政府担心,加泰罗尼亚的代表会投票通过单方独立。The leader of Spain's Catalonia region is due to address members of the regional parliament Tuesday, while the government in Madrid worries Catalan representatives will vote for a unilateral declaration of independence.
调查人员努力查明美国历史上罕见的枪击杀人事件的动机之际,美国总统川普到拉斯维加斯慰问受害者,并会见警察和第一时间赶到现场的急救人员。 While investigators attempt to unravel the reason for the worst mass shooting in recent U.S. history, President Donald Trump went to Las Vegas to console victims and meet with police and other first responders.
柬埔寨一名主要反对党的议员在被警告说她可能被以涉及推翻政府阴谋的罪名逮捕之后逃离了柬埔寨。 A leading Cambodian opposition lawmaker has fled the country after being warned that she faces arrest in connection with an alleged plot to overthrow the government.
在发生了美国有史以来最血腥的单人枪击杀人事件的拉斯维加斯,人们排起要等候长达8个小时的长队,为枪击事件的受害者献血。 People are waiting on line for as long as eight hours in Las Vegas to donate blood to the victims of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
美国国会参议院批准洪博培出任美国驻俄罗斯新大使,在美俄关系的关键时刻填补了这一空缺。 The U.S. Senate has confirmed Jon Huntsman as the new U.S. ambassador to Russia, filling a void at a critical time in U.S.-Russian relations.
《花花公子》杂志创始人休·海夫纳去世,享年91岁。 Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner has died at the age of 91.
美国国防部长马蒂斯星期三抵达阿富汗,这次访问事先没有宣布,是白宫公布阿富汗新战略计划后马蒂斯首次前往阿富汗访问。 U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis landed in Afghanistan Wednesday on an unannounced visit – his first since the White House unveiled a revised plan for the U.S.-led war here.
美国说,没有向朝鲜宣战。白宫新闻发言人桑德斯星期一告诉记者说,“我们并没有对朝鲜宣战,坦率讲,这种说法简直荒谬。” The United States says it is not at war with Pyongyang. "We've not declared war on North Korea," White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters on Monday. “Frankly, the suggestion is absurd.”
德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)在联邦大选中胜选连任,获得第四个任期。从选战三个月前开始以来,这一结果似乎就不可避免。 Angela Merkel has won a fourth term as Germany's Chancellor in a federal election whose outcome seemed inevitable since the start of campaigning three months ago.
美国总统川普称土耳其总统埃尔多安是朋友,他“治理非常难管的地区有方,应该打高分。” U.S. President Donald Trump praised Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as a friend who gets "high marks" for "running a very difficult part of the world."
墨西哥大地震造成230多人丧生,几十座建筑物倒塌,搜救小组星期四继续寻找幸存者。 Rescue teams in Mexico worked Thursday to reach those still trapped among the dozens of buildings that fell during a massive earthquake that has killed more than 230 people.
墨西哥首都墨西哥城周二下午发生7.1级强烈地震,建筑物倒塌,已知至少217人丧生,还有不知道多少人被困在废墟当中。 The death toll continues to rise following a massive 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico City Tuesday afternoon, collapsing buildings, killing at least 217 people and trapping an unknown number of others in the wreckage.
加勒比海岛国多米尼加星期一夜间受到飓风玛丽亚重创。此前,玛丽亚迅速成长为5级飓风,可能造成危及生命的巨浪和暴雨。 The Caribbean island nation Dominica took a direct hit overnight from Hurricane Maria, after the storm rapidly strengthened into a Category 5 hurricane capable of bringing life-threatening storm surge and flooding rains.
美国国务卿蒂勒森星期天表示,由于在古巴的美国外交官出现多起健康问题,美国正考虑关闭其驻古巴的大使馆。 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday that the United States is considering closing its embassy in Cuba following a number of "health attacks" on American diplomats there.
墨西哥大地震造成数十人丧生一周后,美国总统川普通过电话向墨西哥总统表示同情。 A week after Mexico experienced an earthquake that killed scores of people, U.S. President Donald Trump called his Mexican counterpart to express his sympathy.
美国总统川普星期四前往佛罗里达西南部,听取飓风艾玛后恢复工作的简报,并与一些灾民见面。 U.S. President Donald Trump travels Thursday to southwestern Florida to get a briefing on recovery efforts from Hurricane Irma and to meet with some of the people impacted by the powerful storm.