Judging from state media coverage, Kim made no public appearances during Wednesday's Day of the Sun holiday, which marks the birth anniversary of Kim’s grandfather, the country's late founding leader, Kim Il Sung.
Having already rapidly slowed the spread of the coronavirus, South Korea is implementing wide-ranging measures to ensure Wednesday’s parliamentary vote does not lead to a resurgence of the disease.
South Korea's vote could serve as a model for other democratic countries.
As of Friday, only 16 individuals related to U.S. Forces Korea, including two armed service members, have tested positive for the virus.
North Korea has repeatedly insisted it remains virus-free, even as the disease ravages countries around the world.
It’s a sunny weekday afternoon in early spring, and the Lotte Giants of the Korean Baseball Organization are playing one of the very few professional sporting events on earth - with no fans around to watch.
South Korean officials have warned that the furloughs could impact military readiness.
The move indicated the progress of Pyongyang's weapons development while denuclearization negotiations with the United States remain in limbo.
South Korea, which has been among the best in the world at coronavirus testing, has agreed to provide the United States with badly needed test kits.
The result has been stunning: South Korea has reported one of the lowest coronavirus death rates in the world: as of Monday, only 111 people have died out of 8,961 cases.
President Donald Trump has sent a personal letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, offering U.S. help amid the coronavirus pandemic, the first known contact between the two leaders in months.
North Korea has test-fired what appear to be two short-range ballistic missiles, South Korea’s military said Saturday.
Even though South Korea has drastically reduced its number of new coronavirus infections, public health officials and analysts are warning it is too soon to declare victory against what is likely to be a long-term pandemic.
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Many analysts say the impact on airlines may be as bad as 9/11.
ស្របពេលដែលមេរោគកូរ៉ូណាថ្មីប៉ះពាល់ដល់ទីផ្សារសាកលលោក អ្នកវិភាគមួយចំនួនបានព្រមានថាពិភពលោកអាចជួបនឹងវិបត្តិសេដ្ឋកិច្ច។
As the coronavirus rattles global markets, some analysts are now warning of a possible global recession.
As the coronavirus rattles global markets, some analysts are now warning of a possible global recession. The damage is already starting to show in some countries hit hardest by the outbreak, as VOA’s Bill Gallo reports from Seoul.
As advertising campaigns for major world cities go, “Let’s Take a Break From Social Life” is not exactly inspiring.
U.S. Forces Korea this week placed its bases on high alert after a service member and two other people who had visited the base contracted the coronavirus.