North Korean authorities have sealed their borders and imposed strict quarantine measures, declaring coronavirus prevention measures a matter of “national survival.”
The United States and South Korea have postponed a series of joint military exercises "until further notice," amid a major coronavirus outbreak in South Korea.
South Korean schools closed, and major events — including concerts and the opening of the top Korean football league — were indefinitely postponed Monday, as the country attempted to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
South Korea reported 204 infections as of late Friday.
Wave of defector politicians hope to change how South Koreans view the North.
A growing wave of defector politicians hope to change how South Koreans view the North.
South Korea confirmed its first death from the new coronavirus, local media reported Thursday, as the number of infections in the country tripled within two days.
Highest level defector in years criticizes S. Korea’s outreach to N. Korea.
South Korea reported 15 new cases of the coronavirus Wednesday, intensifying concerns of an outbreak following a lull in reported South Korean infections.
North Korea continues to insist there are no coronavirus infections within its borders, even as the impoverished country appeals to international aid organizations for help in preventing an outbreak of the disease.
The US is 'deeply concerned' that North Koreans are vulnerable to coronavirus.
North Korea, hit by sanctions, has increasingly relied on Chinese tourists.
Retired Navy admiral faces difficult tasks on cost-sharing, alliance issues.
Time running out to reach a deal, US ambassador says.
Moon hints at forging ahead independently with N. Korea ties.
US wants Seoul to contribute forces to US-led maritime force.
ប្រធានាធិបតីសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក លោក ដូណាល់ ត្រាំ តែងតែនិយាយថា ទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់លោកជាមួយមេដឹកនាំកូរ៉េខាងជើង លោក គីម ជុងអ៊ុន (Kim Jong Un) មានលក្ខណៈវិជ្ជមានស្ថិតស្ថេរ។
ថ្វីបើក្រុងហុងកុងបានឃើញការតវ៉ាប្រឆាំងរយៈពេល៥ខែក៏ដោយ នេះជាប្រភេទអំពើហឹង្សាថ្មី។