白宫预计将在星期二就是否延续《童年入境者暂缓遣返行动》(DACA)宣布决定。这个由前总统奥巴马制定的项目在过去五年内暂停遣返了好几十万被称为“梦想生”的年轻无证移民。媒体初步的报道显示,川普总统将终止这一项目。 The White House is expected to announce a decision about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on Tuesday, with early media reports indicating the president will end the program that has shielded hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants from deportation for the last five years.
孟加拉国和缅甸的国际难民机构和救援工作者为数以千计逃离缅甸若开邦宗派暴力的难民处境的恶化感到担心。 International refugee agencies and relief workers in Bangladesh and Myanmar are concerned about worsening conditions for the thousands of people who have fled sectarian violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state.
季风带来的雨水本周使印度部分地区被淹,让这个季节南亚地区1200多人的死亡人数继续增加。 Monsoons have flooded parts of India this week, adding to the toll of a season that has killed more than 1,200 people across South Asia.
热带风暴哈维星期三将离开德克萨斯州东部,休斯顿终于可以从这场历史性的暴雨中得到一丝喘息的机会。与此同时,预计哈维将在邻州路易斯安那再次登陆。 The city of Houston will finally get some relief from historic rain Wednesday as Tropical Storm Harvey pulls away from east Texas and makes another landfall in neighboring Louisiana.
阿富汗首都喀布尔的一位警方发言人向美国之音证实,一名自杀炸弹杀手在喀布尔一家银行外对人群发动袭击,造成至少5人丧生,9人受伤。 A suicide bomber attacked a crowd outside a bank in the Afghan capital of Kabul on Tuesday, killing at least five people and wounding nine others, a city police spokesman confirmed to VOA.
在川普任内有所改善的美国与埃及之间的关系星期三显得又非常紧张,原因是美国因埃及人权问题而冻结了给埃及的一部分援助。 U.S.-Egypt ties, which had improved under President Donald Trump, appeared strained Wednesday after the United States withheld some aid to Egypt over human rights concerns.
在发生多起涉及海军战舰相撞事故之后,美国海军预计将于星期三解除第七舰队司令的职务。在星期一的事故中,有10名水兵丧生。 The U.S. Navy is expected to relieve the commander of the 7th Fleet on Wednesday after several collisions involving warships, including one Monday that killed 10 U.S. sailors.
美国海军承诺将采取“更为强势的立场”,以确定是什么原因导致美国的导弹驱逐舰和商船在两个月内发生第二次碰撞。The U.S. Navy is promising to take "a much more aggressive stance" as it tries to determine what led to a second collision between a U.S. guided-missile destroyer and a commercial vessel in as many months.
印度警方正在调查星期六一列客运火车脱轨造成23人死亡的事故。Police in India are investigating a passenger train derailment that killed 23 people Saturday.
西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区发生两起恐怖分子开车冲撞行人事件,警方正在追捕肇事者。第一起袭击事件是星期四在巴塞罗那发生的。一辆箱型车沿着巴塞罗那拉布兰大道横冲直撞,造成13人丧生,100人受伤。 A manhunt is underway in Spain after two terrorist vehicular attacks on pedestrians in the country's Catalonia region killed at least 13 people and injured more than 100 others.
韩国总统文在寅说,美国总统川普保证,针对朝鲜核武器和弹道导弹项目采取军事行动前,会征求韩国的同意。 South Korean President Moon Jae-in says U.S. President Donald Trump has promised to seek Seoul's approval before taking any military action against North Korea over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
美国维吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔市上周末发生致命的暴力冲突后,美国前总统奥巴马星期六在推特上发的一张照片如今已成为推特有史以来点赞最多的一条推文。 Former U.S. President Barack Obama tweeted a photo Saturday after deadly violence broke out in the city of Charlottesville, Virginia. It is now the most liked tweet ever on the social media platform.
塞拉利昂洪水泥石流 至少250人遇难。塞拉利昂首都弗里敦的官员说,至少有250人死于泥石流和严重的洪水。Officials in Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown, say at least 250 people are dead after a mudslide and heavy flooding.
布基纳法索安全部队结束了对在首都一家餐厅开火的武装分子的行动。星期天的袭击造成至少18人死亡,8人受伤。受害者的国籍尚未公布。Burkina Faso's security forces have ended their operation against gunmen who opened fire Sunday on a restaurant in the country's capital, killing at least 18 people and wounding eight.
肯尼亚选举委员会星期三计票阶段进入尾声,目前的结果显示,肯尼亚总统肯雅塔大幅领先于挑战他的奥廷加。奥廷加对选票清点提出质疑,称计票结果“造假“。 Nearly complete results from Kenya's election commission Wednesday showed President Uhuru Kenyatta well ahead of challenger Raila Odinga, who is challenging the tally and dismissing the result as a "sham."
肯尼亚选民开始总统大选投票,让这个东非重要国家又一场紧张骚动的选战进入尾声。 Kenyans are casting ballots in their country's presidential election, bringing to a close yet another turbulent campaign season in the economically vital East African nation.
委内瑞拉总统马杜罗星期天说,他的委内瑞拉政府军挫败了一起由叛变的前军官指挥的对一个军营发动的短暂袭击。 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Sunday his armed forces crushed a brief attack on a military base led by a rebellious former army officer.
今年早些时候发现“自毁开关”,有效阻止了“想哭”勒索软件袭击的英国黑客马库斯·哈钦斯被美国安全特工逮捕。 U.S. security agents have arrested the British hacker known for discovering a "kill switch" that nullified a widespread ransomware attack earlier this year.
美国总统川普签署了制裁俄罗斯的新法案。不过他表示,这项立法存在 “严重瑕疵”,某些条款“明显违宪”。 U.S. President Donald Trump has signed into law a sanctions bill he declared is “significantly flawed,” with "clearly unconstitutional provisions."
川普政府正在考虑是否要采取可能导致美国对中国进口商品施加关税等贸易限制的行动。 The Trump administration is considering whether to initiate an action that could lead to the United States imposing tariffs and other trade restrictions on Chinese imports.
刚果共和国各地发生抗议示威,要求在年底前举行总统选举,警方逮捕了100多名抗议者。 Police in the Democratic Republic of Congo have arrested more than 100 protesters in cities across the country calling for presidential elections to be held by the end of the year.
委内瑞拉总统马杜罗宣布,在星期天结束的委内瑞拉制宪大会的投票中“获胜”。但当天投票过程中的暴力造成至少九人死亡。 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is proclaiming Sunday's election for a assembly to rewrite the constitution a "success" despite violence that left at least nine dead.
巴基斯坦最高法院宣布,取消总理谢里夫担任公职的资格,勒令他立即下台。 Pakistan’s Supreme Court has disqualified Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from holding public office and ordered him to step down immediately.
美国总统川普宣布,美国军队将不再允许跨性别者以任何身份服役,逆转了前总统奥巴马政府一年前宣布的政策变更。 President Donald Trump says the U.S. military will no longer let transgender people serve in any capacity, reversing a policy former President Barack Obama's administration announced a year ago.
澳大利亚枢机主教乔治·佩尔被控性侵首次出庭。佩尔是梵蒂冈最高级别官员之一,也是教皇方济各的首席财政顾问。 Australian Cardinal George Pell, one of the Vatican's highest-ranking officials and a close adviser to Pope Francis, made his first appearance in an Australian courtroom on charges of sexual abuse.