OMG!美语 NYC Halloween Dog Parade!
我们今天来到了纽约Thompkin Square Park的万圣节狗狗化装游行 dog halloween costume parade! What's your dog's name? 你的狗狗叫什么名字? Bailey How is Bailey dressed up today? Bailey今天装扮成了什么呀? Bailey is a pumpkin! Bailey是一个南瓜! This is Chewey and we're a Star Wars family. 这是Chewey,我们是星际大战家族! He's our prisoner. He's our ewok prisoner. 他是我们的囚犯。他是我们的伊渥克囚犯。 And this is Darth Vader 这是达斯•维德。 My name is Brendon. This is Trinity. 我的名字是Brendon。这是Trinity。 We dressed up as M&M's today. 我们今天扮成了M豆! That's so cute. 太可爱了! Where's the dog? 狗狗在哪儿呢? Hey! There she is! 嘿!她在这儿! We've been ketchup and mustard every year we've been together. 自从我俩在一起之后,我俩每年都会扮成番茄酱和芥末酱。 And then we got a dog. So naturally she had to be a little hot dog. 后来我们养了一只狗。所以她自然就得做一个小热狗。 Let's see the hot dog! 给我们看看那个热狗吧! Her name's bagel. So she's a bagel dog. 她的名字叫Bagel。所以她是一个百吉饼热狗。 She's a bagel dog!! 她是一只百吉饼热狗! ……
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