“Abantu abaphuma kumanye amazwe bashona bekhangela ilizwe le Melika njengendawo lapho abantu abahlonipha umthetho.”
Omunye walabo abacabanga ukuthi uNkosikazi Clinton uzanqoba nguMnu. Donald Mvundla, osehlale eMelika okweminyaka eyedlula elitshumi lanhlanu.
Umsakazo we Studio 7 uzalethulela okuzabe kusenzakala kuhlelo lwe Livetalk oluzethulwa ekuseni ngesikhathi sika 5 kusiya ku 6 ekuseni ngelanga lokhetho lomongameli omutsha weMelika.
Abesifazana abathi babanjwa okungekho emthethweni nguJessica Leeds, Rachel Cooks, Mindy McGillivray lo Natasha Stoynoff.
Donald Trump Ends Equivocation on Obama's Birthplace, Blames Clinton
The Detroit News says Donald Trump was admonished by the pastor of the church where Trump was speaking
Hillary Clinton will be returning to the campaign trail on Thursday
NBC News: Donald Trump is gaining ground on Clinton’s lead nationally
Hillary Clinton’s pneumonia diagnosis risks increasing the voters’ mistrust in her
ABC News: Donald Trump complimented Russian President Vladimir Putin during the commander-in-chief forum, calling Putin a better leader than President Barack Obama