ប៉ូលិសបារាំងបាននិយាយថា មានមនុស្សយ៉ាងតិចណាស់១២នាក់ រួមទាំងមន្រ្តីប៉ូលិសពីរនាក់ផងបានស្លាប់ ក្រោយពីមានការបាញ់ប្រហារទៅលើការិយាល័យកាសែត Paris Weekly 'Charlie Hebdo'៕
ការបាញ់ប្រហារនៅការិយាល័យកាសែត Paris Weekly 'Charlie Hebdo'

Para delegasi Konvensi Nasional Partai Republik memberikan suara mereka untuk memilih kandidat presiden dalam hari kedua konvensi di Cleveland (19/7).

People in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin hold placards that read "I am Charlie," to pay tribute to the victims of a massacre that killed more than 12 people in Paris, France, Jan. 7, 2015.

An injured person is given medical care outside the offices of Charlie Hebdo, in Paris, Jan. 7, 2015.

A local resident distributes coffee to reporters gathered at the scene after terrorists stormed a French paper, killing at least 12 people, in Paris, Jan. 7, 2015.

People hold posters reading "I am Charlie" as they gather to express solidarity with those killed in an attack at the Paris offices of the weekly paper Charlie Hebdo, in Nice, southeastern France, Jan. 7, 2015.

Ambulances rush to the offices of Charlie Hebdo, after a deadly terrorist attack, in Paris, Jan. 7, 2015.

Firefighters carry an injured man on a stretcher in front of the offices of the French satirical weekly paper Charlie Hebdo, after armed gunmen stormed the offices leaving at least 12 dead, according to a police source, in Paris, Jan. 7, 2015.

Taron Karfafa Gwiwar Yaki Da Cin Hanci Da Rashawa A Abuja Ya Sami Halartar Matasa Da Dama

Firefighters carry a victim on a stretcher after a terror attack at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly paper, Jan. 7, 2015.

French President Francois Hollande leaves the Elysee Palace after a shooting at a French satirical weekly paper, in Paris, Jan. 7, 2015.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, center left, and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, center right, arrive at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo's office, in Paris, Jan. 7, 2015.