Biggest dam removal in US history is under way in Washington state
For some, long journey home from Oregon to China ended too soon
A microcosm of the national views on immigration on display in one small Pacific Northwest town
Law enforcement targets alleged lawbreakers who post their adventures online
Volcano's aftermath amazes scientists
Safety, revenue drive increased traffic citations on US highways
Feed-in tariff program relies on funding from electricity users, not taxpayers
Construction to begin on thousands of charging stations for 'clean' cars
Cow power to horsepower: Cows from two large dairies could fuel all public buses in a medium-sized American city
Snowy mountain west provides ideal conditions some athletes can't find at home
Glacier researchers say these exceptions to the trend do not undermine evidence for global warming
Huge windmills on platforms 15 kilometers offshore would generate power for onshore customers
A century after being hunted almost to extinction, playful marine animals are thriving
Orbiting Carbon Observatory will map areas where carbon is being produced and absorbed
New subdivisions may support more bird life than natural habitats they replaced
Jobs program built roads, planted forests and improved parks that are still used today
New data will help scientists understand the role bats play in the environment and our economy
Language lessons mean troops can act as interpreters in the community
Humanitarian group wants Americans to experience the life of an African child and take action to help
Local student agrees to practice at home if town pays for her medical education
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