American brewers fill stores with special winter varieties
Hot book and film characters are popular
Week-long festival celebrates African culture
Student teams quizzed on issues involving morals
16 black students cleared of wrongdoing for sit-in protests
Documents found in attic offer most complete family record of any old southern mansion
‘Singing Brakeman’ called town of Meridian home
San Francisco, America’s 13th-largest city, ranks among ‘best’ US attractions
Conditions were crude for both Pilgrims and Indians
Manufacturing prospers despite economic hardships
Electronic alternatives have stolen many customers
Spring-loaded plastic sensor signals when bird is done
Shoppers expected to spend slightly more than last year
Computer-created sound could have medical, entertainment applications
Latest research affirms our preference for tall leaders
Advertisers pay to 'immerse' their product names in children's TV, gaming
Demand from rapidly industrializing nations such as Brazil, China and India is up
Entire organizations are devoted to people who collect things
Fenced dog runs pop up in ‘people parks’ everywhere
Brides, expectant mothers put items on wish list for friends to buy
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