6.1 tons of ivory were publicly burned in Addis Ababa
ZUBO Trust supports women and girls in one of the poorest regions of the country, the Zambezi Valley
Ovarian National Alliance says almost a quarter of a million women worldwide are diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year
CEFISE school offers education for hearing and non-hearing students in the same classroom
A number of poachers and traffickers are getting caught
Disease found in over 50 countries in the world including the Americas and Asia, but is most commonly found in Africa and Middle East
Special sensors and cell phones expedite performance of water pumps
New report pin-points poaching crimes in Congo’s Garamba National Park
Insurance could help smallholder farmers withstand effects of climate change and market shocks
Virus has devastated already weak public health systems in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and particularly Liberia
Lack of trust of public officials and health workers persists
Working with partners and donors, NGO able to save and restore eyesight, also give children with disabilities access to education, begin construction of a new clinic in Mozambique
Agency says effort will provide virologists in 11 African countries with high-quality training and cutting-edge equipment based on molecular biology
Scientist says continuing human intrusion could bring about even more deadly viruses
Over 3,500 Trachoma surgeries expected in 2015 in the Tigray region
Eye exams can detect such diseases as cataracts; glaucoma; and corneal injury
Educating families dispels misconceptions about the disabled
Study asks how some countries in sub-Saharan Africa will pay to expand efforts to fight the AIDS epidemic as international donor budgets tighten
Health organizations work to improve eye health, treat trachoma and glaucoma
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