Women teach neighbors to keep their vision by washing hands, building latrines
Bill strengthens major funding for water, sanitation, hygiene programs that prevent childhood deaths from diarrhea or pneumonia
People are still hiding Ebola victims in their houses
Ebola epidemic halts education for millions of children
Access to information, technology, finance is key to sustainability
Remittances help keep Somali families from starving
$10-Million fund created to stop the slaughter and trade in horns
Trust wants to improve completion rates in Bahir Dar
Martin Salia, a US legal resident, contracted the virus during a medical residency in his native Sierra Leone
Five Sierra Leonean doctors have died from the Ebola virus
Each kit contains two buckets, chlorine, soap, gloves, gowns, plastic bags, a spray bottle, goggles and masks.
Research shows that people with high sugar levels are more susceptible to other diseases
Families fear they will get Ebola from cured patients and health workers
Farmers are leaving their land as the deadly virus spreads
Mobile phones allow to expedite pertinent information that can save lives
Evening lighting will enable families and health care workers to care for the sick and injured
Young people are trained to make soccer balls, shoes
The harmful practice of child marriage is a violation of a girl’s human rights
An "aggravated homosexuality" charge could mean life in prison
New cases and deaths from Ebola continue to skyrocket
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