Mr. Obama says top priority now to stop leak from damaged oil well
President Barack Obama says Labor Department's latest employment numbers are an encouraging sign
President refers to the spill in a commencement address at the University of Michigan Saturday
Economy grew in first three months of this year, but more slowly than at end of last year
President spoke as Senate Republicans agreed to end several days of resistance to legislation
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer says drug violence in Mexico, along Arizona's southern border, has forced her to act
He criticized Senate Republican leaders for opposing the plan
He says he will veto any financial reform bill that does not regulate derivatives
US president says China, which has opposed further sanctions against Iran, is now sincerely considering them
US president says risk of nuclear attack increased as terrorists seek nuclear materials
US, Russian presidents will sign an accord that reduces their countries' nuclear stockpiles by 25 to 30 percent
Replacement for 1991 START treaty will reduce US and Russian nuclear warheads by 25 to 30 percent
President says allowing new offshore drilling will help meet nation's energy needs while alternative energy sources are being developed
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell says reform can be done without raising taxes as newly passed law does
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says both countries are working out details of an agreement to replace 1991 START treaty
Democrats say they are approaching number of votes they need for passage, as Sunday's vote looms
President will remain in Washington to help push his health care reform plan through Congress
White House spokesman says Mr. Obama will now leave March 21, instead of March 18
Prime Minister Papandreou says President Obama reacted positively to European proposals to crack down on currency speculation
US president appealing to Democratic lawmakers, who will likely decide whether main item in domestic agenda is approved
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