Turkey has responded by recalling its ambassador from Washington for consultations
But, there are signs that Democrats may be ready to move ahead on issue, with or without Republican agreement
Retired four-star Army general served in high positions in three U.S. administrations
US president meets with exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, despite protests from China
White House says President Obama taking another look at decision to give civilian trials to 9-11 suspects
Sanctions planned in response to accelerated Iranian nuclear program
President has recently adopted a more combative tone
Mr. Obama promotes latest job creation proposal aimed at curbing country's 10 percent unemployment rate
US president says Senate has helped to control deficit, by restoring pay-as-you-go law which was in place in 1990's
President Obama said change is not easy and he will continue to pursue it
US president says ruling campaign financing will damage country's democracy, his domestic agenda
President takes his populist appeal to recession-battered Ohio
Two former presidents return to the White House to discuss how they and the American people can help quake victims
Mr. Obama discussed catastrophe Friday with Haiti's president
US president announces $100 million for relief efforts as American civilian, military teams continue to arrive in Haiti to offer aid
US President wants to expand a government program to stimulate hiring in the alternative energy industry
US President Barack Obama has unveiled a program aimed at training 10,000 new mathematics and science teachers in five years
President received a report on how a Nigerian man boarded a US-bound jetliner and allegedly tried to bomb it
President also touts progress made during the climate change talks in Copenhagen
Thomson Correctional Center is in President Obama's home state of Illinois
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