Trade minister says nation has done much to rebuild after civil war
Decisions needed on strategy and funding
International panel releases recommendations as food needs grow
Satellite Sentinel Project says images corroborate reports of bombing of refugee camps in South Sudan
Civilians want to be recognized for their losses
Satellite images focus on bases in Blue Nile State
Lessons learned in 2011 Vote
AVAC agrees that AIDS-free generation possible
Analyst says land-based solutions needed to help end ship hijackings
US African Development Foundation provides grants, not aid
John Prendergast and Mia Farrow say nations must step forward to end rebel threat
U.S. professor counsels children forced to fight by LRA rebels
What lack of prosecution of former Libyan leader may mean for country
Republican Frank Wolf criticizes Malawi for recent visit by Indicted Sudanese leader
International Labor Organization outlines problems faced by youth
Mary Robinson says many in poor countries die needlessly from pregnancy complications
One billion remain hungry, as food prices remain volatile
African Development Bank says developing nations can be leaders in global trade
With just over 70 percent of polling centers accounted for, incumbent president has 45.4 percent of the vote
President Obama authorizes combat-equipped advisors in Central Africa
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