Final results expected on October 26
Thousands still awaiting transport from Sudan following southern independence
President Sirleaf seeks second term against strong challenger
Report says basins hold great potential, but underused
Permanent memorial to honor millions of victims
Britain orders extradition of Shrien Dewani
Expert panel presents findings to global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
September 28 marks effort for greater access to government-held information
GAVI Alliance says 37 developing countries to benefit
As research advances against HIV, troubled economies cause governments to hesitate on spending
Secretary-General says no place in world for discrimination
Save the Children aims to feed two million
International Organization for Migration seeks funds for evacuations
Advocates say lives of many poor women at stake
Project HOPE says preventable diseases on the rise, taking health toll
Bangkok meeting reviews successful 2009 RV-144 trial results
Tools could be used in remote, rural areas of Africa
Sebha under attack from anti-Gadhafi forces, supplies low
Wildize Foundation conducts Botswana project to change Lions' prey
Bangkok meeting follows encouraging new research
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