As president's term ends, his dream of resort near Black Sea may never be realized
Gay rights have spread in West, but a backlash is taking hold in the former Soviet Union
For 30 years, Stalin ruled Soviet Union with an iron fist, killing as many as 20 million people, yet some still hold him in high regard
Five years after war, temporary ceasefire lines look increasingly like permanent borders
On eve of 5th anniversary of August 2008 war between two countries, Bidzina Ivanishvili extends olive branch to northern neighbor
Popular opposition figure, who led rallies against President Putin, has been released from jail and is now running for mayor of Moscow
Snowden's lawyer says his client has reached his location, feels fine, and is completely safe
After almost six weeks at Moscow airport, Edward Snowden won temporary asylum in Russia
Despite Kremlin ban on US adoptions of Russian children, this month, 15 American families traveled to Russia
Alexei Navalny, who was found guilty of embezzlement, says charges are politically motivated
Russian lawmakers and some human rights leaders now want the Kremlin to grant Snowden asylum
Since 2000 Halo Trust has cleared 75 percent of known minefield and cluster bomb areas in Azerbaijan’s breakaway province
Analyst warns passionate election campaign rhetoric could spark real fighting on the ground
Parliament passed a law that effectively bans gay-pride parades or speaking publicly in defense of gay rights
Russian president and his wife Lyudmila have said their 30-year marriage is over on Russian state television after attending a ballet performance
Kremlin believes tourism offers solution for impoverished, but historically rich, North Caucasus, currently battling political violence
Tamerlan Tsarnaev's ties to Dagestan may provide valuable clues to Boston marathon attack
Carefully choreographed annual parade reminds world of nation's force as a major military power
Signaling a clear change in tone, President Putin welcomed new US secretary of state on national TV
Rally devoted to demanding freedom for 26 protesters indicted for participating in anti-Putin protests one year ago
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