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Drought Strikes the Horn of Africa

Drought Strikes the Horn of Africa
Drought Strikes the Horn of Africa

More than 12 million people face hunger and starvation in the Horn of Africa. The UNHCR calls the drought, which is gripping Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti, and Somalia, the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Somalia is particularly hard hit. The United Nations has officially declared several regions in south-central Somalia famine zones.

Drought Strikes the Horn of Africa

The United Nations says more than half of Somalia's population, four million people, is now in crisis as famine spreads, and 750,000 are at risk of death.

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Somalia reported Monday that famine has extended to Bay, a major food-producing region, and is expected to continue spreading unless aid is increased.

The agency says tens of thousands of people have died and hundreds are dying each day, at least half of them children.

Somali refugees in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia
