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Annan Expresses Concern About Kenya's Failure to Form Coalition Government

Former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan says he is "seriously concerned" Kenyan leaders have yet to fulfill an agreement to form a power-sharing coalition government.

In a statement Wednesday, the former U.N. chief urged Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and prime minister-designate Raila Odinga to respect the power-sharing pact and promptly resolve their differences for the good of the nation.

The two Kenyan rivals agreed to form a coalition government under a deal brokered by Mr. Annan in February. The cabinet would be divided between Mr. Kibaki's Party of National Unity and Mr. Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement.

The pact brought calm to Kenya after a disputed presidential election in December led to weeks of riots and ethnic violence that killed more than 1,000 people.

Last week, Mr. Kibaki and Mr. Odinga suspended power-sharing negotiations after failing to agree on the size and distribution of the cabinet.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.