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Sarah Jessica Parker OK with Making Unsexiest Woman Alive List
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Sarah Jessica Parker OK with Making Unsexiest Woman Alive List

Sarah Jessica Parker says she's okay with Maxim Magazine naming her the Unsexiest Woman Alive.

Speaking to Britain's Sunday Express, the Sex In The City actress said "I believe in the old 'sticks and stones' philosophy, so frankly their words don't come close to hurting."

Said Parker, who topped Amy Winehouse, Sandra Oh, Madonna, and Britney Spears for the dubious title, "I admit, I don't think I've ever conformed to the Hollywood ideal of beauty, whatever that is. As I said, one day I'll wake up really fat and that'll be that. I don't really mind and it's really not important to me to be skinny. And it doesn't bother me in the least if people don't think I'm sexy. I don't think I am, either."