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More than 24 Suspected Taleban Militants Killed in Afghanistan

The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan says more than 24 suspected Taleban militants and six civilians were killed in clashes and attacks in southern Afghanistan.

A statement says air support was called in after a coalition and Afghan patrol came under attack in Sangin in Helmand province. It says more than 24 militants were killed in the nine-hour battle.

In Zabul province, coalition and Afghan forces killed an unspecified number of militants in a firefight Friday. A civilian caught in the crossfire died of his wounds.

In another incident, Afghan officials say a suicide bomber attacked a NATO convoy in Uruzgan province. They say five children near the convoy were killed. Two soldiers were also wounded by the blast.

Elsewhere, a U.S.-led coalition soldier was killed in fighting in Paktika province Friday.

Meanwhile, the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan says it is investigating the Taleban's claims that militants captured a foreign soldier Tuesday in Helmand province.

If confirmed, it would be the first kidnapping of a coalition soldier by the Taleban since the extremist group was pushed from power by a U.S.-led invasion in 2001.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP .