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Karzai Rejects US Criticism on Drugs, Condemns Reported Abuse of Afghan Prisoners

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has rejected U.S. criticism of his anti-drug program, called international help in the fight "half-hearted," and demanded greater control over U.S. military operations in his country.

Speaking on CNN on the eve of a White House meeting Monday with President Bush, Mr. Karzai also condemned the reported deaths of two Afghan prisoners in U.S. custody. He called for strict punishment for those who abuse detainees, but added the behavior of a few must not reflect on the United States as a whole.

Mr. Karzai noted that at least 30 percent of the country's poppy fields have been destroyed and called on international community to step up its own efforts instead of blaming the Afghans.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters.