To put your ear to the ground,意思是关注最新信息
Switch gears 换档,改变正在做的事情,改变主题,改变当前的状态。 It took her a long time to switch gears and become a coach after she was forced into retirement by her injuries. 她受伤后被迫退役,用了很长时间才转型为教练。
Sink your teeth into 满腔热情地做某件事情,大干一场。I was only given small jobs here and there-nothing I could sink my teeth into.分派给我的都是些小活,无法施展身手。
Slip one's mind 忘了。I was supposed to pick up pizza on my way home, but it completely slipped my mind.我本该回家路上顺道把披萨取回来的,结果忘得一干二净。
Golden opportunity 绝好的机会。Joe is torn about the job offer. He doesn’t want to pass up a golden opportunity to advance his career. At the same time though, he doesn’t want to uproot his family.是否接受新工作让Joe很纠结。他不想错过发展事业的好机会,但是又不愿让家人跟着他搬到一个陌生的地方重新开始。
To get off on the wrong foot 意思是一上来就不顺利,一上来就把事情弄得很糟糕,出师不利。The negotiation got off on the wrong foot.谈判一开始就不是很顺利。相反的,to get/start off on the right foot意思是一上来就一切顺利。
Sugarcoat something 也就是中文里说的粉饰,把坏消息,坏情况说得不那么坏。I don't want to sugarcoat things. This job is very tedious, but it gets you in the door. 我有什么说什么,这个工作确实非常无聊,但起码能让你入门。
Two left feet 笨手笨脚,不协调。He is good at cooking but bad at dancing. He admitted to having two left feet. 他擅长烹调,但是不擅长跳舞,他自己也承认,一跳舞,就不知道脚该往哪放。
Freebie免费赠品。I took my kids to the auto show and got tons of freebies. 我带孩子去看车展,拿了一大堆赠品。
Slippery slope 越陷越深。如,Her diet went out the window after the breakup. She has gained 10 pounds in the past month. She is on a slippery slope. 分手后她就放弃节食了,过去一个月里长了10磅,越来越糟糕。
One tough cookie 坚韧不拔的人,不轻易屈服的人。如,She finished the competition with a broken wrist. She is one tough cookie. 她手腕骨折还是坚持完成比赛,太强了。My daughter fell while snowboarding and ended up with a huge bruise. She shrugged it off and kept going. She is one tough cookie. 我女儿玩单板滑雪摔青了一大块,她不以为然继续玩。女汉子啊。
Happy medium 折中妥协,平衡点。Pushing yourself too hard risks injury while not working hard enough won't produce any results. We need to find the happy medium. 锻炼身体不是那么容易的。练得太狠害怕受伤,练得不够又没效果,所以要找到最有效的平衡点。
On a roll运气不错,好事连连。Our team has won 7 games in a row. We're on a roll. 我们队连赢七场比赛,势不可挡。
Have bigger fish to fry 有更重要的事情要做。I cannot deal with it now. I have bigger fish to fry. 我现在管不了这个,还有更重要的事情等着我去做呢。You might have bigger fish to fry, but it needs to be done today. 你可能有更重要的事情,但是这件事今天必须完成。
Keep one on one's toes. 中文意思是说让你随时准备行动。The two-year old boy is a handful. He keeps his nanny on her toes. 这个两岁的小男孩好动淘气,保姆得随时盯着。
See eye to eye 意见一致。We don't see eye to eye on everything even though we're best friends. 我们虽然是好朋友,但也不是对所有问题看法都一样。The couple see eye to eye on their son's education. 夫妻在儿子教育问题上立场一致。
Jump on the bandwagon跟风,随大流。All my friends are joining gyms and eating healthy. I might as well jump on the bandwagon and whip myself into shape. 我的朋友们都在加入健身房,注意饮食健康。不如我也随大流,让自己健美起来。
Pack rat 什么都攒着,不舍得扔的人。My husband is a huge pack rat. Our garage has no room for cars. 我老公什么东西都留着,车库里根本没地方停车。 He calls himself a collector, but if you ask me, he's nothing more than a pack rat. 他自称收藏家,可你要问我,他说白了就是不舍得扔东西。
Breathing room 得以喘息的时间或空间。He told his girlfriend that he needed some breathing room. 他告诉女友,他需要点空间。My teacher extended the deadline for our project, so we’ve got a little breathing room to get it done. 老师推迟了我们专题作业的截止日期,总算可以喘口气,按时完成了。
Put all your eggs in one basket. 孤注一掷。It's smarter to divide your money and buy three or four different stocks instead of investing the whole amount into just one stock and putting all your eggs in one basket. 把钱分别投资在三、四种不同的股票上,这是比较聪明的做法。千万不要把所有的钱都投在一种股票上,孤注一掷。
Boil down to 归根结底,问题关键。Our problems boil down to one thing - lack of money. 我们的问题归根结底就一个原因,那就是没钱。
Bend over backwards 意思是不遗余力,使出浑身解数,取悦于某人。He bent over backwards to make his in-laws comfortable during their stay. 他想尽办法让老丈人和丈母娘来的这段时间能住得舒服。He bent over backwards to impress his new boss. 他使出浑身解数给新上司留下好印象。
All ears 洗耳恭听,全神贯注地听。Tell me about your date with Philip. I’m all ears. 你跟Philip约会怎么样啊?快说给我听听。We take customer complaints seriously. Please tell me what happened. I’m all ears. 我们很重视顾客投诉,请您讲讲是怎么回事,我洗耳恭听。
Crawl/come out of the woodwork 不想见到的人(像缝隙里的虫子一样)突然间不知道从哪里冒了出来,带有贬义。Jack was a loner in high school. Now that he has won the lottery, all sorts of high school “buddies” crawled out of the woodwork. Jack高中时一直独来独往,没什么朋友,如今他中了乐透大奖,各路高中“密友”突然间不知道从哪里冒了出来。
Wires crossed 产生误会,误解。原来的电话,如果接线员搭错线,电话就会串线,叫 crossed wires. Somehow we got our wires crossed. I thought the rehearsal was today, but Jim marked tomorrow on his calendar. 我们不知怎么会错了意,我以为预演是今天,Jim日历上记的却是明天。