美国总统特朗普表示,如果他不能得到更多拨款建造美墨边境墙,以阻止中美洲移民进入美国,他将“完全愿意”部分政府部门下周关门。 U.S. President Donald Trump says he would "totally be willing" to partially shut down the government next week...
美国总统特朗普周一表示,英国离开欧盟的协议可能使华盛顿和伦敦之间的贸易更加困难,不过英国首相办公室对他的解读提出不同意见。 U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday the agreement allowing the United Kingdom to leave the European Union may make trade between Washington and London more difficult,
墨西哥和美国当局誓言对那些在边境参与暴力事件的人提出起诉。 Mexican and U.S. authorities are pledging to prosecute those engaging in violence at the border.
民主党人正在为他们获得众议院多数党席位后制定一个愿景,但在他们待办事项的清单上有一项明显缺少:弹劾特朗普总统。 House Democrats are laying out a vision for their new majority, and there's one item that's noticeably missing from the to-do list: President Donald Trump's impeachment.
美国周三表示将在明年缩减与韩国的军事演习,这样美韩军演就不会妨碍结束朝鲜核武器计划的外交努力。 The U.S. said Wednesday it will scale back military exercises with South Korea next year, so the war games are not a hindrance to diplomacy over ending North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
美国官员周一暂时关闭了世界上最繁忙的过境点之一,以便在中美洲移民大军到达之际建起混凝土隔离墙和带刺铁丝网。 U.S. officials briefly shut down one of the world's busiest border crossings Monday to set up concrete blocks and barbed wire as Central American migrants arrive.
世界各国领导人在巴布亚新几内亚的会晤言辞激烈,未能在周日就最终公报达成一致,突显了中美两个大国之间日益扩大的分歧。 An acrimonious meeting of world leaders in Papua New Guinea failed to agree Sunday on a final communique, highlighting widening divisions between global powers China and the U.S.
数百名中美洲移民在历经一个月的跋涉之后于星期三抵达墨西哥边境城市蒂华纳,希望进入美国。 Several hundred Central American migrants arrived Wednesday in the Mexican border city of Tijuana after a month of traveling in hopes of entering the United States.
美国国防部长马蒂斯周三前往美国南部边境,那里已部署了数千名美军,以支援边防巡逻人员。 Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis is due to visit the U.S. southern border Wednesday, where thousands of American troops have been deployed to support border patrol agents.
美国副总统彭斯前往新加坡参加地区峰会,期间他将强调特朗普政府致力于保持印度洋太平洋地区的自由和开放。 U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is in Singapore for regional summits during which he will highlight the Trump administration’s commitment to keeping the Indo-Pacific region free and open,...
中国和美国国防部长之间的坦率对话使得两国在有争议的南中国海发生一系列敌对军事行动之后,进入一个暂时平静的时期。 A frank dialogue between Chinese and U.S. defense chiefs has taken the two countries into a temporary calm period after a series of rival military moves in the contested South China Sea.
美国总统特朗普周五一早前往法国,跟几十名世界其他领导人一道出席纪念第一次世界大战停战100周年的活动。 U.S. President Donald Trump departs early Friday for his trip to France where he and dozens of other world leaders will mark the centenary of the Armistice, which brought an end to the fighting in World War I.
根据政治观察人士的说法,尽管美国国会由于政治分歧和意识形态两极分化而存在许多潜在的冲突... Despite numerous areas of potential conflict, a politically divided and ideologically polarized U.S. Congress may find limited areas of cooperation...
美国国务卿蓬佩奥原定与朝鲜高级官员在纽约的会谈被推迟。 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's planned meeting with a senior North Korean official Thursday in New York City has been postponed.
意见反差巨大的美国选民11月6日星期二将投票选出新一届国会,同时对特朗普总统的执政做出中期评判。 A sharply divided U.S. electorate is voting Tuesday to elect a new Congress and to render a midterm verdict on President Donald Trump.
美国国务卿蓬佩奥说,他本周将在纽约与朝鲜领导层二号人物金正哲会晤,恢复朝鲜的无核化谈判。 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he is resuming denuclearization talks with North Korea this week in New York, meeting with Pyongyang's second in command, Kim Yong Chol.
在针对哈佛大学录取制度中存在歧视的诉讼案双方将进行最后的陈述。 Both sides get one last chance to make their cases in a trial alleging discrimination in Harvard University's admissions system.
数百名谷歌公司在亚洲的员工周四短暂停工,这是全球各地员工抗议公司在处理性骚扰问题及其职场文化的一部分。 Hundreds of Google employees in Asia walked off the job briefly Thursday as part of a worldwide protest of the company's handling of sexual harassment cases and its workplace culture.
美国总统特朗普表示,他不希望给予非公民和非法移民在美国出生的婴儿公民身份。 U.S. President Donald Trump says he wants to deny citizenship to babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants who were born in the U.S.
南北韩之间的板门店在1953年停战后,将在本周六成为无武装区,这是数十年来的第一次。 For the first time in decades, the 1953 truce village between North and South Korea will be weapons-free by Saturday.
美国国防部正在考虑向南部边境派遣数百名士兵。之前特朗普总统周四重申将让军方阻止来自中美洲的移民大军进入美国。 The Pentagon is considering sending hundreds of troops to the southern border after President Donald Trump reiterated Thursday the military would be used to prevent a caravan of Central American migrants from entering the United States.
美国特勤局表示已截获两个装有“可能爆炸装置”的可疑包裹,收件人一个是前总统奥巴马,另一个是前国务卿希拉里克林顿。 The U.S. Secret Service says it has intercepted two suspicious packages with “possible explosive devices,” one of them addressed to former President Barack Obama and the other to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinto
美国副总统彭斯周二表示,美国新的“太空部队”将很快成型,但至少最初不会达到特朗普总统所设想的美军第六分支的级别。 A new US "Space Force" will soon take shape but will at least initially be a step below the proposed sixth branch of the military envisioned by President Donald Trump, his vice president said Tuesday.
克里姆林宫周一对美国总统特朗普誓言退出与俄罗斯签署的一项冷战时期的关键性武器协议表示担忧,并表示此举将“让世界变得更加危险”。 The Kremlin expressed concern Monday about U.S. President Donald Trump's pledge to pull out of a key Cold War arms deal with Russia, saying the move would "make the world a more dangerous place."