Sara在公司走廊上看到同事 Henry.Sara: Hi Henry, how was your weekend? Henry: Excellent! I went down to the mall and got myself one of those new minicomputers.
Robert两年前开始打高尔夫球,在球场上积累了不少商业界的人脉。同事Mark问他: But how can you play with people who've been golfing for 20 years? Isn't it embarrassing?
Mark在公司门口看见同事Robert. Mark: Hey Robert...going on vacation? Looks like you're planning on doing some golfing.
Dan偷偷喜欢女同事Julie. King给他打气,鼓励他约Julie出去。
King跟同事Dan聊天,发现他心不在焉. King说, the trip was pretty good except for the flat tire we got on the way home. I was going to change it myself but then...hey Dan, are you even listening to me? Dan?
Bob给一家软件公司客户服务热线打电话,接电话的是 Gloria. 大家注意听客户服务一上来该怎样说。
公司副总裁Lisa找到销售部经理Frank.Frank, we just got our sales figures in and the numbers are very disappointing. What's going on here?
Patricia去找同事Kelly。Patricia: Hey, Kelly...the boss just called me into his office. You and I have to go to Macau for a meeting with our international marketing department......
The Board of Directors has come to a decision. Our company will take an image hit, and it's going to be very expensive, but it seems we have no other choice but to start a recall. Smantha, would you care to explain a bit more.
公司主管Andy又请专门研究肢体语言的Monica给公司销售员 Sara和James培训。
公司主管Andy向销售部门的Sara和James介绍咨询顾问Monica. Andy说......
Sally 跟同事Lisa和Mary议论办公室里关于Tom的传闻,说Tom 大搞婚外情,被老婆发现。Mary觉得,在办公室里议论这些不好,而且并不知道消息是否属实。Mary 问Lisa小时候玩没玩过一个叫“打电话的游戏”,玩的人坐成一圈......
Sally 早上遇到同事 Lisa, 马上凑上前去,很神秘地说:Did you hear the news about Tom and his wife?
Dylan早上见到同事Cory和Brenda, 告诉他们公司出事了。