预计波兰各地星期三将发生更多针对一项新法律的抗议活动。成千上万波兰民众举行示威,反对他们所称的右翼政府控制法院的计划。More protests against a new judiciary law are expected across Poland Wednesday as thousands march against what they say is the right-wing government's plans to take over the courts.
今天我们要学的词是mental disorder. Mental disorder精神疾病。
一名北约高级官员星期二说,匈牙利总理维克托誓言在即将举行的北约峰会上阻止乌克兰加入北约的公函丝毫不影响乌克兰对北约的立场。A top NATO official on Tuesday said a letter from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán vowing to block any moves toward Ukraine's accession at an upcoming summit will have no impact on Kyiv's standing with the alliance.
今天我们要学的词是engagement. Engagement作为名词,有接触的意思。
奥地利星期二说,如果德国政府实施星期一宣布的更严格的移民限制,奥地利也准备采取保护边界的措施。奥地利没有具体说明什么样的措施。Austria said Tuesday it is ready to implement unspecified border protections if Germany enacts a set of stricter immigration controls its government announced Monday.
今天我们要学的词是logistics. Logistics作为名词,有后勤保障的意思。
今天我们要学的词是reunite. Reunite作为动词,有团聚,重逢的意思。
美国总统川普否认他目前有任何让美国退出世界贸易组织的计划。President Donald Trump is denying any immediate plan to withdraw the United States from the World Trade Organization (WTO).
意大利阻止欧盟在布鲁塞尔的峰会达成任何协议,要求欧盟对帮助意大利应对非法移民危机做出更多努力。Italy has blocked the adoption of any agreements at the European Union summit in Brussels, demanding that the bloc do more to help Rome's migration crisis.
今天我们要学的词是original. Original做为形容词,有原创的意思。
美国国防部长马蒂斯星期四再次向韩国保证,美国对保卫韩国安全的承诺“仍然坚如磐石”。U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis reassured South Korea on Thursday that U.S. commitment to its security "remains ironclad."
今天我们要学的词是cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency加密货币。
日本的一艘收集太阳系起源信息的太空探测器历时3年半,向太空深处航行了3亿公里之后,飞抵一颗小行星。A Japanese space probe has arrived at an asteroid after a three-and-a half year, 300 million kilometer journey through deep space to collect information about the origins of the solar system.
今天我们要学的词是identify. To identify意思是发现,确认。
叙利亚国家媒体星期二称,两枚以色列导弹击中了大马士革国际机场附近的目标。 Syrian state media said Tuesday two Israeli missiles hit targets near the Damascus international airport.
今天我们要学的词是advisory. Advisory 名词,有公告,通告的意思。
今天我们要学的词是credibility. Credibility 名词,信誉,可信度。
联合国秘书长古铁雷斯的发言人发表声明说,秘书长“对叙利亚西南地区最近包括地面进攻和空中轰炸的军事行动升级十分关注”。U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is "gravely concerned by the recent military escalation, including ground offensives and aerial bombardments, in southwestern Syria," according to a statement from his spokesman.
随着美国共和党和民主党这两大政党准备11月的国会中期选举,过去的一星期对川普总统的白宫可能具有重要意义。This past week could turn out to be pivotal for the Trump White House as both major parties get ready for midterm congressional elections in November.
今天我们要学的词是spike. Spike 作为动词,有猛增的意思。
美国总统川普宣称朝鲜不再构成核威胁一星期后,美国军方高官警告说,没有任何新的迹象显示朝鲜在进行去核。A week after U.S. President Donald Trump proclaimed North Korea no longer posed a nuclear threat, his top military official cautioned there are no new signs Pyongyang is doing anything to denuclearize.
今天我们要学的词是welfare. Welfare 有福利的意思。
朝鲜领导人金正恩对中国进行两天访问之后星期三返回平壤。中国是贫困的朝鲜的主要经济和外交盟友。North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will return to Pyongyang Wednesday after a two-day visit to China, the chief economic and diplomatic ally of his impoverished regime.
今天我们要学的词是approval. Approval名词,有赞成,批准的意思。
德国当局逮捕了大众汽车集团旗下的奥迪首席执行官鲁伯特•施塔德勒。German authorities have arrested the chief executive of Volkswagen's Audi division, Rupert Stadler.