白宫宣布计划举行第140届年度复活节滚彩蛋活动,活动将于周一在白宫南草坪举行。The White House has announced plans for the 140th annual Easter Egg Roll, which will be held on the South Lawn on Monday.
今天我们要学的词是experimental. Experimental 试验阶段的。
俄罗斯的RT电视网将停止在华盛顿地区播出。华盛顿地区是这家俄罗斯电视台在美国最注重的市场之一。Russia’s RT television network is going off the air in the Washington, D.C. area, one of the channel’s most coveted markets in the United States.
今天我们要学的词是personally. Personally 亲自地。
朝鲜领导人金正恩和韩国总统文在寅将于4月27号举行双边峰会。North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in will hold a bilateral summit on April 27.
今天我们要学的词是abide by. To abide by 意思是遵守。
缅甸议会星期三选举昂山素季的铁杆支持者温敏为缅甸的新总统。昂山素季仍然掌握着政府行政权力。Myanmar's parliament Wednesday elected Win Myint, a loyalist of Aung San Suu Kyi, as new president, while she retained her executive authority over the government.
今天我们要学的词是nerve agent. Nerve agent 神经毒剂。
美国星期一下令60名被指责从事间谍活动的俄罗斯外交官员在一周内离开美国。白宫证实,包括法国、德国和波兰在内的至少23个国家驱逐了至少137名俄罗斯“情报人员。”The United States on Monday ordered 60 Russian diplomats it accuses of being spies to leave the country within a week. At least 23 other countries, including France, Germany and Poland, have expelled more than 137 Russian "intelligence personnel", the White House has confirmed.
今天我们要学的词是walkout. Walkout 做为名词,有罢工,罢课的意思。
俄罗斯紧急情况部星期一说,在西伯利亚克麦洛伏市一家购物中心的大火造成至少48人丧生。Russia's emergencies ministry said Monday a fire at a shopping mall in the Siberian city of Kemerovo has killed at least 48 people.
今天我们要学的词是crowdfunding. Crowdfunding 众筹。
美国司法部长塞申斯宣布,司法部将公开发布有关改变联邦监管的计划,征求公众意见,把撞火枪托归入机枪。U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced that the Department of Justice is publishing for comment a proposal to change federal regulations to classify bump stocks as machine guns.
美国星期四宣布对一名法国化学武器专家和一个乌兹别克战斗组织实施制裁,称他们在叙利亚内战中支持恐怖分子。The U.S. on Thursday imposed economic sanctions on a French chemical weapons expert and an Uzbek fighting force, claiming they were supporting terrorists in the Syrian civil war.
今天我们要学的词是bump stock. Bump stock 撞击枪托。
美国国会领导人在最后期限临近之际,就一万三千亿美元的联邦开支达成一致。U.S. congressional leaders have reached a deal on a $1.3 trillion spending bill as a budget deadline looms.
今天我们要学的词是witness. Witness 目击者。
今天我们要学的词是veteran. Veteran 退伍军人。
越南在努力争取国际帮助遏制中国在有主权争议的南中国海扩大势力之际,与澳大利亚的关系日益紧密。Vietnam is edging closer to Australia as it seeks broader international help in checking China’s expansion in the disputed South China sea.
普京再次当选俄罗斯总统后不久,白宫表示,普京当选在意料之中,川普总统不打算祝贺普京连任。Hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin won re-election, White House officials said his victory was no surprise, and they have no plans for President Trump to call Putin to congratulate him on the victory.
今天我们要学的词是runoff. Runoff 名词,决选。
俄罗斯选民投票支持普京连任总统,普京获得了人们预期的压倒多数的胜利。The voters of Russia have handed Vladimir Putin a resounding and expected victory.
今天我们要学的词是amendment. Amendment 修正案。
美国司法部长塞申斯星期五晚上发布声明说,前美国联邦调查局副局长安德鲁·麦凯布(Andrew McCabe)被开除公职,立即生效。Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has been fired -- effective immediately, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement released late Friday.