今天我们要学的词是 inevitable. Inevitable形容词,不可避免的。
寒冷的天气笼罩了美国中部和东部地区,并将一直维持到新年。Bitter cold weather has blanketed the Central and Eastern United States and it will stay in place for days into the new year.
Have bigger fish to fry 有更重要的事情要做。I cannot deal with it now. I have bigger fish to fry. 我现在管不了这个,还有更重要的事情等着我去做呢。You might have bigger fish to fry, but it needs to be done today. 你可能有更重要的事情,但是这件事今天必须完成。
俄罗斯总统普京说,圣彼得堡星期三的爆炸事件是恐怖主义行为。Russian President Vladimir Putin says an explosion in St. Petersburg Wednesday was an act of terrorism.
今天我们要学的词是 willingness. Willingness名词,意思是意愿。
今天我们要学的词是 step down. Step down意思是下台,离职。
一位被指控犯有数以千计罪行而被通缉的前哥伦比亚武装头目星期二从美国引渡会哥伦比亚。A former Colombian paramilitary chief who is wanted for thousands of crimes was extradited back to Colombia from the United States Tuesday.
Keep one on one's toes. 中文意思是说让你随时准备行动。The two-year old boy is a handful. He keeps his nanny on her toes. 这个两岁的小男孩好动淘气,保姆得随时盯着。
今天我们要学的词是 surrogate. Surrogate作为名词,有代孕母亲的意思。
星期二,利比里亚人参加总统选举决选投票。两位候选人一个是前世界足球先生、民主变革大会候选人乔治·维阿,另一个是团结党候选人、现任副总统约瑟夫·博阿凯。Polls are open in Liberia Tuesday, as voters choose between former soccer star George Weah and Vice President Joseph Boakai to replace President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
秘鲁总统库琴斯基批准秘鲁前威权领导人藤森保外就医。藤森因践踏人权和腐败被判刑25年。Peru's president has granted a medical pardon to jailed former authoritarian leader Alberto Fujimori, who was serving a 25-year sentence for human rights abuses and corruption.
今天我们要学的词是 cleanup. Cleanup名词,意思是清理。
主张独立的政党在西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区的选举中赢得占绝对多数的席位,给拉霍伊首相的政府一个重大打击。Pro-Independence Parties Win Majority in Catalonia Elections, Dealing Blow to Madrid
今天我们要学的词是 in tatters. In tatters意思是被损坏的,支离破碎的。
星期四韩国南部城市堤川的一栋内设健身房的大楼起火,造成约20人死亡。About 20 people died Thursday when a fire broke out in a building that houses a fitness center in the South Korean city of Jecheon.
See eye to eye 意见一致。We don't see eye to eye on everything even though we're best friends. 我们虽然是好朋友,但也不是对所有问题看法都一样。The couple see eye to eye on their son's education. 夫妻在儿子教育问题上立场一致。
今天我们要学的词是 tumble. Tumble动词,意思是跌落。
今天我们要学的词是 run counter to. Run counter to意思是违反,背道而驰。
美国参议院星期二晚上投票通过了全面改革美国税务系统的议案...The U.S. Senate voted late Tuesday to overhaul America’s tax system...
今天我们要学的词是 invalid. Invalid 形容词,无效的。
Jump on the bandwagon跟风,随大流。All my friends are joining gyms and eating healthy. I might as well jump on the bandwagon and whip myself into shape. 我的朋友们都在加入健身房,注意饮食健康。不如我也随大流,让自己健美起来。
今天我们要学的词是 imminent. Imminent 形容词,即将发生的,迫在眉睫的。
乌克兰外交部长感谢加拿大和欧盟本星期宣布的决定,称之为国际社会团结一致,站在乌克兰一边,向俄罗斯发送明确信息的“重要”行动。The Ukraine’s foreign minister applauded decisions announced this week by Canada and the European Union (EU) as “important” in demonstrating the international community’s solidarity with Ukraine and sending a clear message to Russia.