今天我们要学的词是 invalid. Invalid 形容词,无效的。
Jump on the bandwagon跟风,随大流。All my friends are joining gyms and eating healthy. I might as well jump on the bandwagon and whip myself into shape. 我的朋友们都在加入健身房,注意饮食健康。不如我也随大流,让自己健美起来。
今天我们要学的词是 imminent. Imminent 形容词,即将发生的,迫在眉睫的。
乌克兰外交部长感谢加拿大和欧盟本星期宣布的决定,称之为国际社会团结一致,站在乌克兰一边,向俄罗斯发送明确信息的“重要”行动。The Ukraine’s foreign minister applauded decisions announced this week by Canada and the European Union (EU) as “important” in demonstrating the international community’s solidarity with Ukraine and sending a clear message to Russia.
美国国务卿蒂勒森星期五和联合国安理会成员国一起讨论如何向朝鲜施加“最大压力”,迫使其放弃核计划。蒂勒森几天前表示愿意与平壤开始对话,不预设任何条件。U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will join members of the United Nations Security Council on Friday to discuss putting "maximum pressure" on North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program just days after expressed a willingness to begin talks with Pyongyang, without preconditions.
今天我们要学的词是 endorse. Endorse 背书,支持。
一个监督地雷使用的国际组织说,地雷使用情况极为罕见,但是阿富汗、利比亚、乌克兰和也门的冲突中地雷连续第二年造成大量人员伤亡。An international landmine watchdog says new uses of the weapon are "extremely rare" but that fighting in Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine and Yemen has led to a second consecutive year of high casualties.
Pack rat 什么都攒着,不舍得扔的人。My husband is a huge pack rat. Our garage has no room for cars. 我老公什么东西都留着,车库里根本没地方停车。 He calls himself a collector, but if you ask me, he's nothing more than a pack rat. 他自称收藏家,可你要问我,他说白了就是不舍得扔东西。
今天我们要学的词是 retaliation. Retaliation 报复。
民主党人琼斯赢得了阿拉巴马州的特别选举,将代表阿拉巴马州进入联邦参议院。Democrat Doug Jones has won the special election to fill a vacant U.S. Senate seat representing the southern state of Alabama.
今天我们要学的词是 large-scale. Large-scale 形容词,大规模的。
美国一位联邦法院法官星期一做出不利于川普行政当局的裁决,说改变了性别的人将能够从明年1月1日起开始在美军服役。A federal judge ruled against the Trump administration on Monday, saying transgender men and women can join the U.S. military starting January 1.
今天我们要学的词是 within range. Within range 在射程内。
今天我们要学的词是 workplace. Workplace 名词,工作场所,单位。
Breathing room 得以喘息的时间或空间。He told his girlfriend that he needed some breathing room. 他告诉女友,他需要点空间。My teacher extended the deadline for our project, so we’ve got a little breathing room to get it done. 老师推迟了我们专题作业的截止日期,总算可以喘口气,按时完成了。
朝鲜和联合国同意定期沟通。North Korea and the United Nations have agreed to communicate regularly.
美国海军派遣一个深潜打捞小组,寻找11月坠落在西太平洋的运输机。The U.S. Navy is sending a team of deep water salvage experts to search for the transport plane that crashed into the western Pacific Ocean in November.
今天我们要学的词是 prone. Prone 形容词,更易于,更倾向于。
Put all your eggs in one basket. 孤注一掷。It's smarter to divide your money and buy three or four different stocks instead of investing the whole amount into just one stock and putting all your eggs in one basket. 把钱分别投资在三、四种不同的股票上,这是比较聪明的做法。千万不要把所有的钱都投在一种股票上,孤注一掷。
今天我们要学的词是disclaimer. Disclaimer 名词,免责声明。
韩国通讯社援引不具名的军方消息来源报道,美国B1-B战略轰炸机星期三在美韩联合空军演习中将飞过朝鲜半岛。American B-1B Lancer bombers will fly over the Korean Peninsula Wednesday in the combined air force exercise with South Korea, South Korean Yonhap News Agency reported Tuesday citing an unidentified military source.
今天我们要学的词是petition. Petition 有请愿的意思。
俄罗斯司法部星期二将包括美国之音在内的驻俄罗斯美国媒体定为“外国代理人”。Russia's justice ministry on Tuesday designated nine U.S. media outlets, including the Voice of America, as "foreign agents."
今天我们要学的词是inadequate. Inadequate 形容词,不充分的。